
What are the common varieties of strawberries on the market? What are their characteristics?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Strawberry is a kind of fruit that many people like. Friends often go to the greenhouse to pick strawberries. I don't know what varieties of strawberries we have eaten. What are the common varieties of strawberries on the market? What are the characteristics of each? Friends who want to know, just look down.

Strawberry is a kind of fruit that many people like. Friends often go to the greenhouse to pick strawberries to eat. I don't know what varieties of strawberries we have eaten? What kinds of strawberries are more common in the market? What are their characteristics? Friends who want to know look down!

Common strawberry varieties on the market:

1. Peach smoke

Kaoru peach is a new variety bred in Japan in recent years. It belongs to hybrid variety, and the hybridization process is complicated. Light red skin white flesh, shape like peach and have a light peach flavor, with vigorous growth, high yield, fruit big, but not high sweetness. The price of "peach smoked" strawberries is two to three times higher than that of ordinary strawberries, but it is still very popular in the market.

2. Light snow

Pale white strawberries are fruit growers in Nara Prefecture, Japan, after more than 20 years of research and development results Pale white strawberries appear white or pale pink, white slightly pink flesh. It is a variant of Saga Hoka. Sweetness and aroma are good.

3. Snow Town/White Big Mac

The Japanese-bred varieties, Shirakomachi and White Big Mac (white giant) are actually different names for one variety. Fruit skin and flesh are white, red seeds, fruit hardness is good, fruit short cone shape. The fruit pinks under high temperature and strong light.

4. Cherry Jade

This strawberry is bred from the cross between "Xiao Bai" and "Hong Yan". The average plant height is 25cm, the pericarp and flesh are white, the fruit shape is long conical, the taste is crisp, the taste is sweet, the average single fruit weight is 25-35g, the soluble solid content of the flesh is more than 12%, the yield is about 5000 jin, the disease resistance is medium, the low temperature and weak light resistance is strong, the fruit hardness is good, and the storage and transportation resistance is good.

5. Sweet Charlie

It was large and hard, and the seeds on its skin were dense. Orange-red color, easy to blue, orange red after cutting, the core may have a hollow, fruiting conical shape.

Advantages: large fruit, high hardness, storage and transportation resistance, good taste, high yield and other characteristics, especially suitable for greenhouse cultivation in northern areas, is the supply of New Year's Day, Spring Festival market. Sweet Charlie strawberry dormancy is very shallow, close to the same as Fengxiang, about 20 hours, suitable for facilities to promote cultivation, resistance to white powder and chlorosis, high and low temperature resistance, fruit picking period is also early, both suitable for open field, more suitable for facilities to promote cultivation.

Disadvantages: the deficiency is that the pulp density is slightly small, pay attention to timely harvest.

6, female peak

Japanese variety, fruit cone shape, neat, average fruit weight 12-13 grams, bright red, lustrous, pink flesh, fine quality, more dense, sweet and sour flavor, rich aroma. Flesh light red, hardness, sweet and sour taste.

Advantages: early flower bud differentiation, early flowering, high early yield in facility cultivation, early maturity, good quality facilities to promote cultivated varieties, mainly for fresh food. It is suitable for strawberry cultivation in southern and central China, and the fruit has good storability. More durable storage.

Disadvantages: open field cultivation luxuriant growth, poor results. The female flower without stamen will appear when this variety is cultivated in protected land, which will affect the early yield and need artificial auxiliary pollination.

In the above words, Xiaobian introduced a total of six common strawberry varieties on the market, each with its own characteristics, have you eaten these strawberries? How does it taste?

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