
Introduction to the price and variety of grapefruit

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Grapefruit is also called grapefruit, from the name, many people will associate grapefruit with grape, but this is not the case. Grapefruit was first found in Barbados, South America, and was introduced into China after 1940. Grapefruit is rich in nutrients, comprehensive and suitable.

Grapefruit is also called grapefruit, from the name, many people will associate grapefruit with grape, but this is not the case. Grapefruit was first found in Barbados Island in South America and was introduced into China after 1940. Grapefruit is rich in nutrients and has a comprehensive effect. It is suitable to be planted in tropical and subtropical areas where the effective accumulated temperature is higher than 3500 degrees Celsius. And its unique taste and rich varieties are also loved by the public. Below, the editor of Nongxun Network will introduce this variety of grapefruit in detail.

The price of grapefruit

The price of grapefruit is 5 yuan / jin in Wenling City, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, 28.8 yuan / jin in Pinghe County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, 6 yuan / jin in Yuhuan City, Zhejiang Province, 2 yuan / jin in Meishan City, Sichuan Province, and 10 yuan / jin in Luodian County, Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province. The price of grapefruit in Taojiang County, Yiyang City, Hunan Province is 4 yuan / jin, etc.

Note: the above agricultural product price information comes from bulk wholesale quotations (non-market retail prices) from the origin of Nongxun users, and the data are for reference only.

Varieties of grapefruit

Grapefruit can be divided into two types: ordinary white-fleshed grapefruit and colored grapefruit. There are many varieties introduced in China, such as Duncan, Luby Red Heart, Masu grapefruit, Thompson and so on.

1. Duncan: Duncan is the earliest grapefruit variety introduced. Duncan fruit is flat and round, smooth, yellowish, yellowish white, sour and sweet with slightly bitter taste. Duncan generally matures from October to November and harvested from November to December. Its growth is strong and its planting performance is good in our country.

2. Masu grapefruit: this variety is cultivated from Duncan's seedlings, the fruit is large, weighing 400-600 grams, thin skin, light yellow, generally seedless or less seedless, good flavor. The main feature is high output, resistant to storage and transportation, the southern provinces and regions can be properly developed.

3. Thompson: this variety is bred from the branch transformation of Masu grapefruit, the tree shape is similar to that of the female parent, the fruit is smaller, the single weight is only about 250g, and the pulp is mostly orange, tender and juicy, sweet and sour. The mature period is about half a month earlier than that of Ma Xu, and the introduction performance is good, which can be popularized and developed.

4. Ruby Red Heart: this variety was selected from Thompson budding. The tree is tall and vigorous, the fruit weighs about 350 grams, and the peel is smooth, orange-red. In terms of taste, the meat is tender, sweet and sour, delicious and fragrant, which is very popular with diners and has a bright future.

What does grapefruit have to do with grapes?

Many people think that grapefruit belongs to the grape category because there is the word "grape" in the name, but in fact grapefruit is a kind of citrus, a kind of orange. Then why is it called grapefruit? It is said that the fruit on the branches of the fruit tree is like a string of grapes. There is another saying, because the aroma of its fruit is similar to that of grapes.

To sum up, it is about the variety, price and origin of the name of grapefruit. Generally speaking, grapefruit contains a lot of nutrients and is rich in food fiber. The most important thing is that the price is affordable and the variety is rich, which can meet people's different taste needs. In addition, grapefruit is especially suitable for weight loss. Girls who love beauty must not miss this delicacy.

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