
Which grape variety is the best and sweetest?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Grape is a kind of fruit that many people like to eat. At present, there are countless grape varieties originating and introduced in our country. I believe that most friends prefer grape varieties with high sweetness. Below, the editor of Nongxun Network will introduce several kinds of grapes with high sweetness.

Grape is a kind of fruit that many people like to eat. At present, there are countless grape varieties originating and introduced in our country. I believe that most friends prefer grape varieties with high sweetness. Below, the editor of Nongxun Network will introduce several high-quality grape varieties with high sweetness.

1. Seedless white grape

Seedless white grape, also known as "seedless dew", middle and late ripening fresh food varieties, the taste is very sweet, good dry quality, can also make wine. The tender shoots are green and shiny. It sprouted in early April, blossomed in mid-late May and ripened in late August in Turpan, Xinjiang. Now some high-end fruit markets outside are vigorously promoting Xinjiang seedless white grape varieties, which are indeed loved by many consumers.

two。 Summer black grape

Black grape is an excellent variety, which has the characteristics of disease resistance, high yield, early maturity, storage resistance, good taste and so on. Its young branches are yellowish green, the leaves are large, light green, and densely hairy. Xiahei grape has high sugar content and is more resistant to storage and transportation than ordinary varieties, and it is not easy to burst due to extrusion in the process of transportation.

3. Kyoho Grape

Jufeng grape is a medium-ripe, tetraploid variety, European and American hybrid, originally from Japan. It was introduced into China in 1959 and popularized all over the country. It has become the main variety welcomed by fruit growers. When ripe, purple-black, thick pericarp, more fruit powder, soft pulp, sweet, juicy, strawberry flavor, skin, meat and seeds are easy to separate, sugar content 16%.

4. Sapphire grape

Sapphire is a medium-ripe variety, mature in the open field from August to September, does not drop grains, does not rot after maturity, hang trees for more than one month, and is resistant to storage and transportation. The fruit color is blue and black, and the coloring is fast and uniform. Knife cut into slices, pure flavor, crisp sweet without residue, soluble solids more than 20%, dry areas with higher sugar content, easy to turn into large blue-black raisins.

5. Golden finger grape

Golden finger grape is an European and American hybrid, with large ears, long conical shape, moderate tightness, hard pulp, slicable, resistant to storage and transportation, sugar content of 20%, 22%, sweet and refreshing, with a strong flavor of rock sugar and milk.

6. Sunshine rose grape

Sunny rose grape has high yield, stable yield, large grain, disease resistance, good storability and simple cultivation. The ear is conical, the ear weight is about 600g, the large ear can reach about 1.8kg, and the average grain weight is 812g. The flesh is crisp and juicy, with rose flavor, soluble solids content of about 20%, up to 26%, excellent fresh quality.

To sum up, there are several varieties with high sweetness and popularity in recent years, of course, there are many more, we can choose a variety that is most suitable for local planting!

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