
Is dragon spitting beads poisonous?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Speaking of this plant, you may think the name is very good, but do not know what kind of plant it is, as a greenhouse crop, it is very ornamental, can be used to make flower racks, very gorgeous, so is it poisonous? will it hurt us?

First, whether it is toxic or not

The answer is that it is slightly toxic, and its fruit has a small amount of poison, but it is very mild, and if it is not eaten in large quantities, it will not cause harm to our bodies. Under normal circumstances, it not only does no harm to us, but also can eliminate dryness, heat, poison, blood stasis and swelling. Its whole body can be used as medicine, and its effect is very powerful.

It is mainly maintained in the greenhouse, it has a strange shape of flowers, a large number of flowers, very dense, whether made into a pot for appreciation, or planted in the courtyard, are very suitable. Its branches are very soft, there are climbing functions, and there are few leaves, so it is very suitable for it to grow on the flower rack. Although it is not poisonous, it has a lot of flowers, so if someone in your family is uncomfortable with pollen or doesn't like its taste, it's best not to put it at home, but to raise it outside the house.

Whether it is edible or not

We can often see it in the wild, and in most cases, we don't have to worry about its toxicity. But if we eat a lot, we will definitely get hurt, so we should not eat it in large quantities. If it is used as medicine, it needs to be eaten strictly according to the prescription, because eating too much will cause toxins to accumulate in our bodies and cause a certain degree of harm to us.

Matters needing attention

As a Chinese herbal medicine, it can relieve poison gas and remove dryness and heat, but it is not recommended if you are pregnant. It is cold, although the poison is very little, but if you accidentally eat too much, the impact on the fetus is not good, although it can help reduce fire, but its cold will also cause damage to the stomach.