
What insects are beneficial to crops?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, A variety of insects are often seen in the process of farmland cultivation, although most of them are pests in people's impression, which are very harmful to farmland crops. But in fact, these insects are also divided into camps. Since there are insects harmful to crops, there are naturally insects that are harmful to crops.

All kinds of insects are often seen in the process of farmland planting, although most of them are pests in people's impression, which do great harm to farmland crops. But in fact, these insects are also divided into camps, since there are insects harmful to crops, then naturally there are insects that are beneficial to them. Today let's talk about the insects that are good for crops. Let's get to know it.

1. Mantis

Mantis can prey on more than 40 kinds of pests, such as flies, mosquitoes, locusts, moths, butterflies and their larvae, exposed pupae, crickets and other small insects, as well as cicadas, migratory locusts, katydids and other large insects. So if you see a mantis in the field, you are very lucky. The mantis is a veritable insect killer who can immediately eliminate pests that threaten crops in the field.

2. Bees

In addition to providing human beings with very good honey, honeybees are also an important part of the growth and reproduction of plants on earth. They are indispensable imparting insects. They live on nectar and help pollinate flowers and fruits.

3. Lacewings

Can prey on a variety of pests. Such as whitefly, red spider, all kinds of aphids, in addition, it also likes to eat the eggs of many kinds of pests, such as cotton bollworm, ground tiger, Spodoptera litura, wheat moth and small bridge worm, which are all within its food range.

4. Earthworms

I believe many people know that earthworms can enrich the soil, improve soil fertility and structure, and increase beneficial microorganisms, which are very beneficial to growing flowers and growing vegetables.

5. Spiders

Spiders are eager to stay away from people, but they are indeed one of the most beneficial insects in gardens and vegetable gardens. Spiders are usually harmless to the human body, but they can prey on pests such as mosquitoes, flies, ants and aphids.

6. Madonna

Its body is even smaller than dragonfly, it is also good at catching insects, like all kinds of mosquitoes, flies, whiteflies, fruit flies, moths and other pests and their larvae.

The above is a summary of some insects that are good for crops. Do you know any other insects? Welcome to leave a message to share.

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