
What are the rice varieties? Planting method for improving rice quality

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Food is the most important thing for the people. Rice is the food source for our survival. It has basically occupied half of China. Rice cultivation is widely distributed and there are many varieties. For example, the sea rice developed now is a very distinctive rice and bamboo rice.

Food is the most important thing for the people, and rice is the source of food for our survival, which basically accounts for half of China. The cultivation of rice is very widespread, and there are also many varieties. For example, the sea rice developed now is a very characteristic rice. Bamboo rice has the smell of bamboo and strong lodging resistance. It has been planted in many places. Next, let's take a look at the rice varieties. A way to improve the quality of rice.

What are the varieties of rice?

1. Xiangzaoxian 45

Characteristics: Xiangzaoxian 45 is an early indica rice variety with a growth period of about 106 days, a plant height of 80-85 cm, a thick and straight leaf, a moderate plant type, a thick and elastic stem, a good color and luster, and no drop.

Production performance: the average yield per mu is 504.9 kg.

Suitable scope: it is suitable for the cultivation of double-cropping early rice in the light area of rice blast in Hunan Province, and the extension area has reached 7.74 million mu.

2. Lianjing 11

Characteristics: Lianjing 11 is a medium-maturing medium indica rice variety. The advantages are excellent comprehensive characters, high yield, good crushing, thick stem, high yield, strong tillering ability, strong adaptability, resistance to stripe disease and black stripe dwarf disease.

Production performance: the average yield per mu is 649.48 kg.

Suitable scope: suitable for planting in Huaibei area of Jiangsu Province, with an extension area of 7.23 million mu.

3. Longjing 43

Characteristics: Longjing 43 is in the adaptation area, and the number of days from maturity to fertilization is about 130 days. The main stem of this variety is 11 leaves, oval, plant height about 89 cm, stem length about 14.4 cm, grain size per panicle about 104 grains, 1000-grain weight 25.6 grams.

Production performance: the average yield per hectare is 8165.2 kg.

Suitable range: suitable for the third accumulated temperate zone cultivation in Heilongjiang Province, the extension area has reached 7.92 million mu.

II. Planting methods to improve the quality of rice

1. Sowing time

In order to plant high-quality rice varieties, it is generally recommended to sow at the right time, because the optimum temperature for quality formation of high-quality indica rice is 21-25 ℃, and that of japonica rice is about the same, especially within 20 days after heading, temperature has a great effect on rice quality. In general, high-quality rice varieties are required to raise seedlings and transplant within a specified period of time, so that rice heading and grain filling can avoid high-temperature breaks, so it is important to grow high-quality rice.

2. Water and fertilizer management

In order to plant high-quality rice, it is generally suggested that some adjustments should be made in fertilization, generally using less available nitrogen fertilizer such as urea and increasing silicon and potassium fertilizer, and some high-quality rice are nitrogen-efficient and fertilizer-tolerant varieties, and the application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium can be adjusted according to the varieties. the key to lodging-resistant cultivation is to use good silicon fertilizer with dwarf and strong node regulator. Timely drying the field can control ineffective tillering, make rice root system stronger and grow stronger; in the later stage of rice growth, we should pay attention to spraying potassium dihydrogen phosphate and brassinolide, and alternate dry-wet irrigation should be adopted after heading to promote rice filling and full grain.

3. Scientific prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

Rice focuses on the prevention and control of the "three pests and three diseases". This year, the occurrence of two migratory pests is more serious than in previous years, while the resistance of Chilo suppressalis in Jiangxi is more serious, but in our planting base, we have adopted a unified control program, and there is almost no harm to leaf rollers in the field. Chilo suppressalis damage occurs only sporadically.

According to past experiences and lessons, rice blast, false smut and other diseases must be prevented and controlled timely and accurately, and measures can be taken according to the occurrence of diseases and insect pests before heading stage, but attention must be paid to the prevention of diseases and insect pests before and after heading. The loss of diseases and insect pests should be controlled to a minimum, so as to ensure that high-quality rice can safely obtain high yield and better quality.

4. Improve the ability of lodging resistance

In order to improve the lodging resistance of high-quality rice, we should pay attention to the combination of agronomic measures, chemical fertilizers and pesticides. On the basis of drying the field, we should apply silicon-zinc fertilizer, which is a micro-fertilizer for lodging resistance of high-quality rice, and use pesticides that can promote the growth of rice.

To sum up, if we want to grow good quality rice, variety selection is of course very important, not only has a great impact on planting, and the selection of varieties directly determines the quality and yield. I hope this article can help you all.

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