
The three departments emphasize tightening the "fence" of cultivated land protection.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, On the 26th, the Central Agricultural Office, the Ministry of Land and the Ministry of Agriculture jointly held a video conference on strengthening the protection of cultivated land, improving the balance between occupation and compensation of cultivated land, and standardizing the circulation of rural land. It is stressed that strengthening the protection of cultivated land and standardizing the circulation of rural land is a major, important and difficult task in the long run.

On the 26th, the Central Agricultural Office, the Ministry of Land, and the Ministry of Agriculture jointly held a video conference on strengthening the protection of cultivated land, improving the balance between occupation and compensation of cultivated land, and standardizing the circulation of rural land. It is stressed that strengthening the protection of cultivated land and standardizing the circulation of rural land is a long-term event, important and difficult, and it is necessary to tighten the "fence" of cultivated land protection and adhere to the red line of cultivated land.

Strengthening the protection of cultivated land and standardizing the circulation of rural land has a bearing on the overall situation. Chen Xiwen, director of the Office of the Central Rural work leading Group, said: it is necessary to conscientiously implement the spirit of the important instructions of the central leading comrades, further unify their thinking, raise awareness, strengthen the protection of cultivated land, improve the balance between occupation and compensation of cultivated land, and standardize the circulation of rural land. to provide a basic guarantee for ensuring national food security, promoting the simultaneous development of the "four modernizations," and implementing the "four comprehensive" strategic layout.

To strengthen the protection of cultivated land, we should not only adhere to the red line of the quantity of cultivated land, but also improve the quality of cultivated land and realize "storing grain in the land". Han Changfu, minister of agriculture, said that cultivated land is the most precious resource, and China's congenitally deficient agricultural resource endowment and the pressure of food supply caused by a large population make the task of protecting cultivated land more urgent. It is a big deal to solve the problem of feeding 1.3 billion people and secure the rice bowls of the Chinese people. To achieve "basic self-sufficiency of grain and absolute safety of rations", we must lay a solid foundation for the protection and quality construction of cultivated land.

In accordance with the rules and regulations, the strictest cultivated land protection system needs to be carried out comprehensively from the aspects of perfecting the system, perfecting the mechanism, strengthening supervision and so on. Minister of Land and Resources Jiang Daming said that it is necessary to strengthen planning control and use control, and resolutely adhere to the red line of cultivated land protection. We will promote conservation and intensive land use and strive to reduce the occupation of arable land by new construction land. We will strictly implement the balance between occupation and compensation and ensure that the quantity and quality of supplementary cultivated land are in place. We will promote land renovation and strive to strengthen the constructive protection of cultivated land. We will improve the restraint and incentive mechanism and mobilize the enthusiasm of all parties in society to strictly protect cultivated land.

Land renovation and high-standard basic farmland construction are important measures to effectively increase the quantity and improve the quality of cultivated land. Since the 12th five-year Plan, the country has increased 22 million mu of arable land through land renovation, and built more than 300 million mu of high-standard basic farmland.

Standardizing land circulation and moderate scale operation is the only way to develop modern agriculture and the basic direction of promoting the reform of rural land system. There can be no deviation or detours in the work. Han Changfu said: it is necessary to implement the central policy, not to pursue the circulation ratio, not to set the circulation target, to resolutely refrain from making the Great Leap forward, not to engage in coercive orders, not to engage in administrative blind command, and to strictly prevent industrial and commercial capital from intervening in land transfer in rural areas to engage in non-agricultural construction, affecting the protection of cultivated land and grain production.

At present, the area of rural land transfer across the country has exceeded 30% of the total area of contracted land, and positive progress has been made in orderly land transfer and moderate scale operation.