
Introduction to the main cultivated varieties and characteristics of Banana in Taiwan

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Taiwan, the treasure island of our country, has always been loved by many people because of its unique geographical environment and climate. Today, let's take a look at the main cultivated varieties of bananas in Taiwan. And then learn about its variety characteristics.

Taiwan, the treasure island of our country, has always been loved by many people because of its unique geographical environment and climate. Today, let's take a look at the main cultivated varieties of bananas in Taiwan. And then learn about its breed characteristics.

1. Li Linjiao

Also known as "Niujiao banana" or "tree banana". This variety was introduced from Malaysia about before 1980s. The plant height is about 250cm to 300cm, the plant type is small, and the leaves are erect and narrow. The ear is inclined and asymmetrical, the fingers are slender and pointed, showing S-shape, each cluster is about 6-9 handles, and the fruit weighs about 10-12 kilograms. The skin is thin, yellowish, the pulp is fine, the taste is sweet and sour, and the flavor is medium. The growth period is shorter, which can be harvested in about 10-11 months, and the persistent root planting is even shorter. It is highly resistant to leaf spot and scab (not resistant to yellow leaf disease) and can provide a large amount of pollen, so it is often used as cross breeding material in Taiwan.

two。 Rose banana

It was introduced from Belgium International Banana Variety Exchange Center in 1995. Its origin is unknown and it may be a local variety in Indonesia. Leaves narrow, long and erect, pseudostem small, reddish green. The growth period is short and can be harvested in about 10 months. the fruit chamber size has obvious seasonal difference, the yield is low in winter and increased in summer, the yield per plant can reach more than 10 kg, and the yield of persistent root is better. The fruit of this variety is slender, bright yellow after ripening, sweet pulp and excellent taste. Its greatest advantage is its high resistance to yellow leaf disease.

3. Dan banana

Malaysia and the Philippines are called "sweet bananas", but Thailand calls them KluaiKhai, which is one of the most important cultivated species in Thailand and Malaysia. This variety was introduced in the Japanese occupation era and is not widely planted in Taiwan at present. The main feature of "Dan banana" is that the pseudostem is turquoise with obvious brown spots. The plant is about 250 cm tall and 350 cm tall, and the petiole is smooth and not waxy. The fruit chamber is short, the yield per plant is about 713 kg, and it is harvested after planting for about 11 months, and it does not have high resistance to yellow leaf disease. The fruit is short and round, the pericarp is very thin, the flesh is soft and slippery, orange-yellow, high sweetness. The market responded well.

4. North banana

It is a traditional cultivated species in Taiwan, introduced from South China on the mainland, and has been cultivated for 250 years. It is distributed in various important banana areas in the province and is the main variety for export in Taiwan. The plant height is about 270 to 300 cm, grows rapidly and can be harvested about 12 months after new planting. The male bud is purplish red, the fruit room is huge, and each fruit weighs about 25 kilograms. The fruit finger is slightly arched in shape, the pericarp is golden yellow after ripening, the flesh is light yellow, tender and sweet, and the flavor quality is excellent, especially the fruit from March to June is the best. Although "Beijiao" has wide adaptability, it is not resistant to the wind because of its tall plants and is not resistant to the fourth physiological race of yellow leaf disease.

5. Xianren banana

The appearance of the bud variety of "Beijiao" is not significantly different from that of "Beijiao". The plant is taller, the leaves are slightly wider and longer, and it has a strong ability to adapt to the barren soil in the mountains, so it is called "mountain banana", and its fruit shape and flavor are similar to those of "northern banana".

6. Taijiao No.1

A variety resistant to yellow leaf disease was selected from somatic cell variation of "Beijiao". Its pseudostem is smaller and taller than "Beijiao", and its plant height is about 280-310 cm. The leaves were narrow and long, and dry banded spots appeared at the rear edge of the middle plant, and the twisted tip of the new leaves in the later stage was the main feature. The fruit room is neat up and down, and the yield is lower than that of "Beijiao", but the qualified rate of export is higher. After ripening, the color was changed evenly, and the incidence of two-stage staining was low. The growth period is about one month longer than that of "Beijiao" and is mainly cultivated in Gaoping area. Moderately resistant to yellow leaf disease, easy to be harmed by thrips, not resistant to waterlogging, and the plant is on the high side.

7. Taijiao No.2

Introduced from the Caribbean in 1979, domesticated and bred, it was named and popularized in 1993. It is a medium dwarf cultivated species with a plant height of about 230cm to 260cm, a stout pseudostem and broad and dense leaves. The fruit shape, flavor quality and growth cycle are similar to those of "Beijiao". Suitable for cultivation in Taiwan, wind-resistant, labor-saving cultivation, but not resistant to yellow leaf disease.

8. Taijiao No. 3

It is a medium-dwarf mutant found in the banana garden established by the tissue culture seedlings of "Taisao No. 1". It was named "Taisao No. 3" in 2000 and popularized. Its characteristic is that the leaf is short and wide, and the tip of the new leaf is twisted and divided at heading stage. The growth cycle is similar to "Taijiao No.1" and is highly resistant to yellow leaf disease. Each cluster of fruit can reach 811, but the last handle is small, so we should pay attention to fruit thinning. The fruit changes color evenly, the pericarp is golden yellow, and the flesh flavor quality is good. It is suitable for planting in fertile soil areas.

9. Baodao banana

Also known as "New Beijiao", it was selected by somatic variation of "Beijiao" and was named and popularized in 2002. With high resistance to yellow leaf disease, the disease loss can be reduced to less than 5%, and it has high yield characteristics, and the yield per unit area can be increased by 40% to 50%. Therefore, this variety will be planted and promoted as the most important export variety in Taiwan. The plant height is about 270 to 300 cm, and its pseudostem can reach more than 80 cm. The leaves are broad and dark green. The fruit room is cylindrical, the fruit handle is numerous and closely arranged, the upper and lower fruit is neat in size, the curvature of the fruit finger is small, and the fruit handle is flat. The color of the pericarp is dark green, and the speed of yellowing is slow, but the color is uniform, and there are few two-stage coloring. The flavor of the fruit is similar to that of "Beijiao", which is slightly powdery and varies with the seasons, and the taste is the best from May to June. The growth period of this variety is long, about 13.5 months, it is appropriate to plant early, and pay attention to control thrips at heading to avoid water rust.

10. Dwarf banana

This variety has a long history in Taiwan. The plant is only less than 200 cm, with the characteristics of wind resistance and labor saving. Due to the low yield, susceptibility to atrophy, not resistant to storage, although the taste is good, but there is no commercial cultivation in Taiwan.

11. Red banana

Named after the color of the pericarp, it is grown in every banana area in the world. This species was introduced from the Philippines during the Japanese occupation and is currently grown in Qishan, Zuozhen, Chi Chi in the middle, Puli and Hualien in the east of Taiwan. The growth period of "Hongpi banana" is longer, up to 15-18 months, the plant can reach more than 400 cm, the pseudostem is stout and dark red, and the petiole and the middle rib on the back of the leaf are also slightly reddish. The fruit room is purplish red, the number of fruit handle is only 5-6, and the weight of ear is about 17-23 kg. The fruit finger is slightly short and straight, the pericarp is fresh purplish red after ripening, the flesh is yellow and white, the taste is sweet and fragrant, the meat is soft and the taste is poor. This species often has body mutation, and the pseudostem and fruit room are easy to turn green, which is called green banana.

twelve。 Lu Songjiao

It is widely distributed all over the world, so it has many aliases, generally known as "silk banana", and in Taiwan it is called "Japanese banana", "Nanyang banana", "apple banana" and so on. Jiali and Yongkang in Tainan have been widely cultivated, but their acreage is decreasing day by day because they are prone to yellow leaf disease. "Lvsong banana" plant type tall petiole is slender, male bud is long spindle shape, the color outside is blue-purple, the inside is jujube red, the color distribution is uniform. The fruit room is lighter, about 11,16kg, and the fruit hand is 615kg. The pericarp is thin and easy to crack, and the pedicel is weak and easy to break fingers. The flesh is yellow and white, sweet and sour, slightly aroma, excellent taste, is the most popular plantain cultivation species, so the price is higher than ordinary bananas. Its growth cycle is about 12 months. Due to the poor quality of the fruit harvested from April to May every year, the pulp often has lumps, so we should pay attention to adjust the yield period when planting.

13. Fake Lu Songjiao

Its plant height, shape, fruit shape, size and flavor are similar to "Luzon banana", and its shape is also very similar to Mysore, which is the most commonly grown in India, so it is named. The main difference is that the fruit finger is larger, the front end is milky, and the fruit stalk is longer. Strong stress resistance, drought resistance, cold resistance, insect resistance, disease resistance, and tolerance to yellow leaf disease. therefore, in the past decade when yellow leaf disease occurred in Taiwan, people in Tainan and Kaohsiung were planted to replace the original "Luzon banana." The number of hands of this variety is about 10 to 12, which is closely arranged, so the fruit chamber is cylindrical, and the ear weight can reach 12 to 25 kilograms. The pericarp is dark green and golden after ripening. The flesh is milky white, the meat is slippery and sweet, but the acidity is also strong, and the overall flavor is not as good as "Luzon banana". This variety also has the characteristics of resistance to storage and transportation, high yield and easy management.

14. Nantou plantain

Plantains commonly grown in the mountains of Nantou and Taichung are similar in plant type and flavor to "Nanhua bananas" in Thailand and "Ah Hua bananas" in Malaysia. The variety grows vigorously, the plant height is more than 400 cm, and the pseudostem is thick, turquoise and obviously waxy. The male bud is inverted conical and the bracts are reddish purple. The ear is cylindrical, 8-11, weighing about 17-23 kg. It refers to medium size, slightly curved, and obvious corrugated angles around it. The skin is turquoise, light yellow when ripe, and the fruit stalk is obvious. The flesh is milky white, smooth and sticky in texture, sweet and delicious. This variety has strong stress resistance, cold tolerance, drought resistance, leaf spot and scab resistance, yellow leaf disease resistance. The growth period is about 13-14 months, and the central mountain area is longer. In addition to fresh food, this variety can also be cooked, and its bud can be used as a vegetable. The fruit is cut into pieces in the early stage of yellow ripening, fried with sticky flour or roasted with charcoal fire, and eaten with honey.

15. Pink banana

The shape of the plant is similar to that of Nantou plantain. The fruit axis is very long, smooth and glabrous, and the fruit room is slightly inclined and pink-green. The weight of ear is 9-21 kg, the number of hands is 5-7, the arrangement is loose, the hands are large and straight, the corners are obvious, the pedicels are long, the pericarp is thick, light yellow after ripening, the sweetness is especially high, but there is no aroma, fleshy loose, and the taste is not good. But after drying, it is sweet and tough and delicious. This variety has not been cultivated much and is resistant to leaf spot and scab, but is susceptible to yellow leaf disease.

16. Banana

This variety was first discovered by Taiwan Banana Research Institute in Tainan Zuozhen fruit and vegetable market in 1998. The fruit refers to huge and curved, closely arranged, dark yellow skin thickness and obvious corrugated angle. The height of the plant is more than 450 cm and the leaf blade is narrow and long. The male bud is Obovate, dark purple, and the bracts are crimson. The flesh is yellow and white, the taste is good, the flavor is medium, but the sweetness is very high.

From this point of view, the varieties of bananas cultivated in Taiwan are quite rich. How many have we eaten?. You are welcome to talk about your popular banana varieties.

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