
What kinds of chemical fertilizers are commonly used?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, We must be no stranger to chemical fertilizer, which is a fertilizer of one or more nutrients needed for the growth of crops through chemical and artificial production. Among them, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are the most basic fertilizers for crop growth, and their composition is relatively simple.

We must be no stranger to chemical fertilizer, which is a fertilizer of one or more nutrients needed for the growth of crops through chemical and artificial production. Among them, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are the most basic fertilizers for crop growth, their composition is relatively simple, the nutrient content is very high, and the fertilizer efficiency is very good. Now they are widely used in all kinds of crops, so what kinds of chemical fertilizers are commonly used now? Let's go and have a look next.

1. Nitrogen fertilizer

Nitrogen is the main element of protein composition, and protein is the basic substance in cell protoplast composition. The application of nitrogen fertilizer can promote the formation of protein and chlorophyll, make the leaf color dark green, increase the leaf area, promote carbon assimilation, increase the yield and improve the quality. The commonly used nitrogen fertilizers are ammonium sulfate, ammonium bicarbonate and urea, which will not damage the soil structure in the process of crop planting.

2. Phosphate fertilizer

Phosphorus is an indispensable element for the formation of nuclear protein, lecithin and so on. Phosphorus can accelerate cell division, accelerate root and aboveground growth, promote flower bud differentiation, mature earlier and improve fruit quality. The commonly used phosphate fertilizers are calcium superphosphate and heavy superphosphate, which are generally used as extra-root topdressing or base fertilizer, so that they can be absorbed directly by crops.

3. Potash fertilizer

The nutritional effect of potassium can improve the intensity of photosynthesis, promote the formation of starch and sugar in crops, enhance the resistance and disease resistance of crops, and improve the absorption and utilization of nitrogen. Commonly used potash fertilizers are potassium chloride and potassium sulfate, which are often used as base fertilizer and topdressing. For acidic soils, they can also be used with lime and organic fertilizers.

4. Compound fertilizer

Compound fertilizer refers to the chemical fertilizer which contains both nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium or only any two of them. It has the advantages of high nutrient content, few sub-components, uniform nutrient release, stable and long fertilizer effect, easy storage and application and so on.

The commonly used compound ingredients are ammonium phosphate, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer and potassium dihydrogen phosphate, which are often used as base fertilizer or extra-root topdressing, and the effect is very good.

So far, this is the end of the introduction of commonly used chemical fertilizers. If you want to plant high-yield and high-quality crops, it is suggested to choose reasonable fertilizer varieties and master professional fertilization techniques. I hope this article will be helpful to you.

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