
Promote agriculture to embark on the road of green development

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Under the joint promotion of institutional change and technological progress, China's agriculture has continued to increase production for a long time, especially grain production has increased for 11 consecutive years, which has successfully achieved the goal of increasing agriculture, and products such as corn and cotton are even full of stocks. products such as pigs are cyclical.

Under the joint promotion of institutional changes and technological progress, China's agriculture has continued to increase production for a long time, especially the "eleven consecutive increases" in grain production, successfully realizing the goal of "increasing" agriculture. Corn, cotton and other products are even full of problems, and pigs and other products are periodically surplus. However, under the extensive development mode, agriculture has paid a heavy resource and environmental price for a long time, and agricultural product quality safety accidents have occurred frequently. Generally speaking, the problem of how to "green up" agriculture has not been paid enough attention and effectively solved. At present, China's agriculture is "not green enough", which is mainly manifested in two aspects: industrial and urban pollution is transferred to agricultural and rural areas, and the environmental quality of agricultural products is worrying; excessive use of agricultural inputs such as chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and unreasonable disposal of agricultural wastes such as livestock manure, crop straws and farmland residual films have led to increasingly serious agricultural non-point source pollution, which has aggravated the risk of soil and water pollution.

The newly issued Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Accelerating the Construction of Ecological Civilization clearly require that we adhere to the basic national policy of saving resources and protecting the environment, put ecological civilization construction in a prominent strategic position, integrate it into all aspects and processes of economic construction, political construction, cultural construction and social construction, and coordinate with each other to promote new industrialization, informatization, urbanization, agricultural modernization and greening. Greening has become an important connotation of national modernization for the first time, and of course it is also an important follow and organic part of agricultural modernization. Green development should become a new goal of agricultural development. Deqingyuan's successful practice well interprets the basic path of green agricultural development.

To realize green agricultural development, modern science and technology should be supported. In recent years, there are many misunderstandings about agriculture, some even spread widely and have great influence. For example, as long as agriculture is associated with green, many people will naturally think of organic agriculture, ecological agriculture and pure natural agriculture; as long as chemical fertilizers, pesticides and additives are mentioned, many people will be disgusted and rejected from the bottom of their hearts. We must be soberly aware that the realization of green agricultural development is by no means a return to traditional agriculture and primitive agriculture before industrial civilization. Agriculture at that time was green, of course, but how could that agriculture support so many people today? Farming without chemical fertilizers and pesticides and breeding without feed and additives can exist in small quantities, but they cannot become the mainstream of today's era. According to experts 'research on the history of traditional agricultural development in China for thousands of years, under the conditions of no rotation, no fallow cultivation, only human and livestock manure, and relying entirely on artificial labor, nitrogen balance can be achieved, and grain yield per mu can only reach 100 kg. This is a far cry from what we have achieved so far. The green agriculture we are pursuing now is essentially intensive agriculture supported by science and technology and based on modern inputs. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides are not flood beasts. The key lies in scientific fertilization and rational drug use. In the next step of agricultural development, we should vigorously promote standardized production, expand the application of soil testing and formula fertilization in facility agriculture and horticultural crops such as vegetables, fruit trees and tea, and realize full coverage of soil testing and formula fertilization for main crops as soon as possible; establish professional pest control service organizations with rapid response and efficient service, vigorously promote the integration of professional unified prevention and control and green prevention and control, and effectively improve the organization degree of pest control; Promote the comprehensive utilization technology mode of livestock and poultry waste, standardize and guide livestock and poultry farms to do a good job in the resource utilization of breeding waste; vigorously carry out straw returning to fields and straw fertilizer, feed, base material and energy utilization.

To realize green development of agriculture, we should take market mechanism as traction. Developing green agriculture requires a series of profound adjustments in the use of inputs, environmental protection, management organization, etc. Compared with agriculture that pursues yield alone, the production cost of green agriculture must be much higher. For producers to be motivated to develop green agriculture, they must receive high enough returns. How to price green agriculture and make consumers pay for green agricultural production? Deqingyuan's experience shows that cultivating agricultural product brands and attaching ecological labels to products are feasible paths. Consumers willing to pay for green production will be willing to pay for trusted brand products. Branding allows consumers to reduce the cost of information search and increase their willingness to buy. We should also improve the organization of agricultural production, develop agricultural cooperatives and promote the docking of agriculture and supermarkets. One less link, one less risk. Especially in the Internet era, it can be more convenient to cultivate brands, connect agricultural supermarkets and enhance consumer confidence.

To realize the green development of agriculture, the government should actively act. Establish an agricultural policy system conducive to green development, shift from yield-increasing orientation to sustainable orientation as soon as possible, shift from relying mainly on resource consumption to resource-saving and environment-friendly, and take a modern agricultural development path with high output efficiency, product safety, resource-saving and environment-friendly. Formulate and improve agricultural production technologies such as production, management and use of agricultural inputs, water saving, fertilizer saving and pesticide saving, as well as standards and technical norms for monitoring and controlling agricultural non-point source pollution. We will improve incentive policies, study and introduce policies and measures such as enjoying agricultural electricity prices for straw primary processing electricity, incorporating land for storage into agricultural land management, expanding preferential tax coverage, and credit support. We should actively respond to and solve the problems reflected by Deqingyuan, such as difficulties in biomass power generation and biomass gas transmission, and mobilize the enthusiasm of leading enterprises to develop circular economy. Strengthen the protection of agricultural product brands, put an end to free riding, and prevent bad coins from driving out good coins.