
Which variety of peanut has the highest yield? Recommendation of high-yielding peanut varieties

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Peanut planting areas in China are widely distributed, such as Hebei, Shandong, Sichuan, Jiangsu, Liaoning and other places have a large number of peanut planting areas. The climatic conditions are different in different places, so if you want to achieve high yield, the key is to select the right variety. So what kind of peanuts?

Peanut planting areas in China are widely distributed, such as Hebei, Shandong, Sichuan, Jiangsu, Liaoning and other places have a large number of peanut planting areas. The climatic conditions are different in different places, so if you want to achieve high yield, the key is to select the right variety. So which variety of peanuts has the highest yield? Several high-yield varieties of peanuts are recommended below.

Which variety of peanut has the highest yield?

There are many peanut varieties with high yield, but the most high yield depends on the planting environment and planting conditions and other factors. In short, there are good varieties, but without good planting environment and conditions, they still can not have high yield performance, and vice versa. At present, the high-yield peanut varieties recommended by the Ministry of Agriculture are mainly Yuhua 9326, Luhua 19, 8130 peanuts, Qinghua 7 and so on.

Recommendation of high-yielding peanut varieties

1. Qinghua No. 7

Qinghua No. 7, which comes from Qingdao Agricultural University, is a new variety selected systematically after crossing between Xiehua 32 and Baisha 505. This variety is a common big peanut variety with clear pod reticulation, shallow waist, oval seed, 15 fruits per plant and 210.4 grams of 100-fruit weight. In the regional trial of large grain group of peanut varieties in the whole province, the average pod yield was 433.0 kg per mu and 308.5 kg per mu in two years, and 509.9 kg per mu in 2019.

2. 8130 peanuts

8130 peanut is a new peanut variety with high yield and high quality exported by Shandong Peanut Research Institute, and it is the only peanut variety in the National key Popularization Plan of Scientific and technological achievements in the Ninth five-year Plan. The variety is a medium-ripe upright ordinary large peanut, the main stem is 40 cm high, the kernel is light red, and the rice yield is 73% 75%. It has the advantages of strong drought resistance, special resistance to continuous cropping and so on, and the high yield test is 619.25 kg / mu.

3. Luhua 19

Luhua 19, registered No. GPD Peanut (2018) 370081, is a high quality peanut variety for oil use. The average growth period is 130d, the main stem is 44.1cm high, the kernel skin is pink, the weight of 100 fruits is 208.56g, and the weight of 100 kernels is 91.72g. In the national northern regional trial, the average yield of pods per mu was 495.4 kg, 9.0% higher than that of Luhua 11, and the average yield in the field was 1200 jin.

4. Yuhua 9326

Yuhua 9326 is a high quality and high yield peanut variety selected by Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, registered as GPD Peanut (2018) 410069. This variety belongs to the erect and sparse branch type variety, the general plant height is about 40 cm, the leaf is dark green, oval, large, the pod is common type, the inner seed coat is dark yellow, the weight of 100 kernels is about 88 grams, and the kernel yield is about 70%. The yield of pods was 301.71 kg per mu in the first growth cycle, 5.16% higher than that of Luhua 11, and 272.1 kg per mu in the second growth cycle, 7.59% higher than that of Luhua 11. The yield of seed kernel was 211.5 kg per mu in the first growth cycle, 0.92% higher than that of Luhua 11, and 189.1 kg per mu in the second growth cycle, 7.43% higher than that of Luhua 11.

The above is the introduction of some high-yield peanut varieties, of course, good varieties can not be separated from scientific cultivation techniques, pay attention to the growth characteristics of various peanut varieties, and then make great efforts in management to achieve a thousand jin per mu of peanut is not a dream.

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