
How many kinds of fertilizers are there? These fertilizers are often used!

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Fertilizer is a rare nutrient for growing crops, which provides indispensable protection for crops, including soil fertility, mineral elements and so on. These nutrients can effectively improve the yield and quality of crops and ensure the normal growth of crops.

Fertilizer is a rare nutrient for growing crops, which provides indispensable protection for crops, including soil fertility, mineral elements and so on. These nutrients can effectively improve the yield and quality of crops and ensure the normal growth of crops. Now there are more commonly used fertilizers on the market, the following are more commonly used. Let's go and have a look!

1. Nitrogen fertilizer

The application of nitrogen fertilizer can promote the formation of protein and chlorophyll, make the leaf color dark green, increase the leaf area, promote carbon assimilation, increase the yield and improve the quality. The nitrogen fertilizers that are often used in production are:

Ammonium sulfate (ammonium sulfate): White or light brown crystal. It contains 20%-21% nitrogen, is soluble in water, has low hygroscopicity and is easy to store and use. Ammonium sulfate is a kind of acidic fertilizer, which will increase the acidity of soil after long-term use. It is best to use topdressing, and the average farmer friend can apply 15-20kg per mu.

Ammonium bicarbonate (ammonium bicarbonate): White fine crystal, 17% nitrogen, strong irritating odor, soluble in water, easy to be absorbed by crops, easy to decompose and volatilize. It can be used as base fertilizer or topdressing, and should be buried and covered with soil in time to avoid ammonia volatilization and burn seedlings.

Urea: White and round, with a nitrogen content of 46%. The fertilizer effect of urea is not as rapid as that of ammonium sulfate, and topdressing is applied several days earlier than ammonium sulfate. Urea is a kind of solid nitrogen fertilizer with the highest nitrogen content. Urea is a neutral fertilizer with no by-components. The biggest advantage is that it will not destroy the soil structure.

2. Phosphate fertilizer

The function of phosphate fertilizer is to accelerate the growth of root and aboveground parts, promote flower bud differentiation, make fruit mature earlier and improve fruit quality.

The phosphate fertilizers commonly used in production are:

Calcium superphosphate: it is grayish white or light gray powder, contains 12%-18% P2O5, has hygroscopicity and corrosivity, is easily fixed by soil and reduces fertilizer efficiency, can be used as base fertilizer and topdressing fertilizer, and should be concentrated or mixed with organic fertilizer to improve fertilizer efficiency. It can also be used as extra-root topdressing to make crops absorb directly.

Heavy superphosphate (heavy calcium): contains about 45% of P2O5, is a high efficiency phosphate fertilizer. The effective method of applying heavy calcium is the same as that of superphosphate, the content of effective components of heavy calcium is high, and the dosage should be relatively reduced.

3. Potash fertilizer

The function of potassium fertilizer is to promote the formation of starch and sugar in crop fruits, enhance the resistance and disease resistance of crops, and improve the absorption and utilization of nitrogen by crops.

The potash fertilizers commonly used in production are:

Potassium chloride: a quick-acting potash fertilizer that is soluble in water, containing about 60% of K2O and showing white, yellowish or fuchsia crystals. It has good physical shape and can be used as base fertilizer and topdressing fertilizer. The application of potassium chloride in acidic soil should be combined with lime and organic fertilizer.

Potassium sulfate: White crystal, soluble in water, containing about 52% K2O 50% Mel. In addition to being used as base fertilizer and topdressing, it can also be used as extra-root topdressing, and the suitable concentration of extra-root topdressing is 0.2%.

4. Compound fertilizer

Compound fertilizer refers to the chemical fertilizer which contains both nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium or only any two of them. It has the advantages of high nutrient content, few sub-components, uniform nutrient release, stable and long fertilizer effect, easy storage and application and so on.

Ammonium phosphate: it is a nitrogen-phosphorus compound fertilizer based on phosphorus, which contains 12%-18% nitrogen and 56% P205-46% MUE. It is suitable for all kinds of crops and soils. It is most suitable for strip application as base fertilizer, 7-10 kg per mu and 250.30 kg per mu.

Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer: contains about 10% of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, light brown particles. Nitrogen and potassium are all water-soluble, and part of phosphorus is water-soluble. It is mainly used as base fertilizer, applying 25,30kg per mu.

Potassium dihydrogen phosphate: contains P2O5 24%, K2O 21%, white soluble in water, generally used for cucumber soilless seedling and soilless cultivation. Because of the high price, it is mainly used for extra-root topdressing in large-scale production.

At this point, this is the end of the introduction of fertilizer types, farmers should know that in the process of crop growth, the reasonable application of fertilizer can more quickly improve crop growth speed and yield, so I hope this article will be helpful to you.

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