
Introduction of common cultivated varieties of cherry blossoms in China

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cherry blossom, we all know that it is a very beautiful and elegant flower. nowadays, cherry blossoms are popular in many places in our country, so more and more businesses will choose to plant some cherry blossoms to attract tourists. However, not all areas are suitable for planting cherry.

Cherry blossoms, we all know it is a very beautiful and elegant flower. nowadays, cherry blossoms are popular in many places in our country, so more and more businesses will choose to plant some cherry blossoms to attract tourists. However, not all areas are suitable for planting cherry blossoms. Let's take a brief look at the introduction of cherry blossoms commonly cultivated in China.

1. Fujian mountain cherry blossoms

Also known as Zhong Hua Sakura, cold Sakura in Japan. It is native to Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and Taiwan. The bark of the plant is dark brown, the leaves are long and oval, the tip is pointed, the base is round, the edge is doubly serrated, and both sides are glabrous. 2. The umbels of 3 flowers are pendulous, calyx tube red, bell-shaped, half-blooming, 5 petals, scarlet color, first flowers and then leaves, flowering from mid-March to early April.

two。 Mountain cherry

It originates in North and East China, and is also distributed in Japan and Korea. The plant is tall, the leaves are ovate-elliptic, the tip of the tail is apical, the margin is Awned, the back is pale white, the young leaves are light green-brown, the flowers are white or pink, the flower diameter is 2-3 cm, the stamens are 30, the flowers and leaves are in place together, and the florescence is April. There are many varieties, such as' Hong Nan Dian': 11 petals, long oval-Obovate, purplish red; 'White Chrysanthemum Sakura': White verticillium, double chrysanthemum-shaped, new leaf green, reverse white.

3. Tokyo cherry blossoms

Also known as Japanese cherry blossoms. The tree is tall, the leaves are ovate-elliptic, the leaf margin is doubly serrate, the petiole is pilose, 3-4 flowers form umbels or racemes, the total pedicel is very short, the pedicel is 2-2.5 cm long, the flowers are white to pink-white, 5 petals, 36 stamens, first flowers and then leaves, slightly fragrant. The most famous variety is' Yoshihiro Yoshino': the flower diameter is 3.5 to 4.5 cm, with dense hairs on young leaves, pedicels, calyx tube, sepals, style, etc., flowering from the end of March to early April.

4. Oriental Cherry

Leaves are often Obovate, tip acuminate, long tail-shaped, leaf margin with heavy awn serrated, flowers and leaves together, 2-5 flowers to form umbels or corymbs. Flowers 3.5-4 cm in diameter, mostly double. The flowers are white, pink, red and green, and the flowering period is in the middle and late April. The common varieties are: Guanshan: tree-shaped inflorescences are composed of 3 flowers, the total pedicel is 2.5 cm long, the flowers are purplish red, the flower diameter is 5 cm, the sepals are ovate and triangular, the petals are 20-45 and the stamens are 30-50. It is the most common variety in this class. 'one leaf': the trunk is upward, 3 flowers form a corymb, the total pedicel is 1 × 2 cm long, the small pedicel is 3.5 × 4 cm long, the flower is light pink, the new leaf is green, the petal is 20 × 25, the stamen is 25 × 35, the pistil is 1: 2 leaf biochemical, and the leafy part is serrulate. 'Puxian elephant': the branch is oblique, the corymb has 2 flowers, the total pedicel is 1.5 cm 2 cm, the pedicel is 4 cm long, the flower color is light red, the new leaves are purple, the petals are 21 × 50, the pistil has 2 leaves, and the florescence is later than 'one leaf'.

5. Yunnan cherry

Branchlets purple-brown, leaves ovate-long oval, tip long caudate, margin with sharp double serrations, often 2-5 flowers, semidouble, pink to crimson, slightly drooping. The flowering period is from the end of February to the first ten days of March, and it is in full bloom in Yunnan before and after the "Women's Day" festival. It is native to southern Tibet and northwest Yunnan in southwestern China.

6. Cherry

Also known as Zhu Ying, the leaves are oval-shaped, tip-pointed, and the edges are doubly serrated of different sizes. Corymbose inflorescences, pedicels short, 0.8-1.5 cm long, flowers white, stamens 30-32, flowering in early March, first flowers and then leaves. It originated from China, Japan, Korea and other places. It is a species with strong resistance and tolerance to poor ridges, and the requirements for cultivated soil are not strict. Its flowers bloom in early spring and are as red as coral in summer.

Do you know all the above cherry blossom varieties? Which one do you like best? If you want to attract tourists by cherry blossom trees, it is very important to master the planting technology.

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