
There are 25 kinds of wild vegetables common in the countryside. You must have eaten them.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, As we all know, we may often see wild vegetables in our life. compared with home vegetables, they are more nutritious. As a natural green and healthy food, they can satisfy people's pursuit of different tastes of dishes and merge the medicinal value of food.

As we all know, we may often see wild vegetables in our daily life. compared with home vegetables, they are more nutritious. As a natural green and healthy food, they can satisfy people's pursuit of different food tastes and merge the medicinal value of food. So what are the more common varieties of wild vegetables in rural areas? Let's go and have a look next.

1. Viola

It is widely distributed and has small flowers, including both aquatic and terrestrial species. There are heart-shaped leaves on the long stem. The flowers are blue and purple. Yellow or white. There are five petals of different sizes. Tender leaves can be cooked and are rich in vitamins An and C.

2. Shepherd's purse

Also known as water chestnut, Dongfeng shepherd's shepherd's purse, ground vegetable, rice pickle belongs to the whole grass of cruciferous plant shepherd's purse. Shepherd's purse is rich in nutrition, its amino acid content ranks first among all kinds of vegetables, and it also contains carotene, vitamin C, E, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, manganese and other mineral elements needed by the human body.

3. Mountain lettuce

Distributed in the wilderness rocky areas and grasslands. 10-20 cm tall, short stalked leaves oval, miniature blue-purple flowers clustered; leaves can be eaten raw, or analogous to spinach cooking.

4. Bracken

Bracken is a very common wild vegetable in rural areas. bracken has high nutritional value and contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, which is several to ten times higher than that of home-grown vegetables. Spring picking germinated leaves, can cook a variety of dishes, because the red fresh and tender, fragrant and delicious by consumers.

5. Light bamboo leaves

The roots of light bamboo leaves contain starch and boiled or cool drinks; after the leaves are sun-dried, they can be used instead of tea.

6. Duck embryo grass

The seedlings and tender stems and leaves of duck road grass can be used as wild vegetables, and after the seedlings are washed, they can be directly cooked or fried, while the young stems and leaves of adult plants should be quickly souped in boiling water and then cooked for greater delicacy.

7. Houttuynia cordata

Although Houttuynia cordata has a strong fishy smell, rinse its tender leaves clean, cold or cooked in a pot, giving off a sweet smell that makes people want to eat again.

8. Magnolia lanceolata

Magnolia mandshurica is a wild vegetable growing at low altitude. Its small achenes are dried and rubbed in cold boiling water to get jelly, which is often used to make cold powder.

9. Mother grass of hot charcoal

Perennial vine herbs, the tender stems and leaves of Fotan mother grass are slightly sour, but they are first scalded with water and can be eaten, either directly dipped in seasoning or fried after scalding.

10. Prunella vulgaris

Prunella vulgaris is a kind of wild vegetable in wasteland, which is eaten with tender stems and leaves in early summer. It can be made into salad, which is more suitable for cooking soup.

11. Wild amaranth

Annual herbs, wild amaranth fat and tender stems and leaves can be used as delicious dishes in late spring, no matter stir-frying or cooking soup.

12. Water shield

Perennial herbs, its stems and leaves cooking, cooking soup without monosodium glutamate is also very delicious, can be boiled fish, or cooked with crucian carp fish chowder, or only boiled soup with ginger vinegar.

13. Saxifraga

Saxifraga stems and leaves can not only be used for medicinal purposes, but also can be fried, cooked or scalded and then mixed with seasoning for consumption.

14. Raspberry

Climbing shrub, the fruit is orange-red when ripe, with sweet taste not only wild animals like to eat, but also become the wild fruit that many people like to eat.

15. Pickled vegetables

Puccinellia oleifera perennial floating herbs, autumn capsule oval, the apex sharp, and meat into a variety of dishes, the taste is very delicious, loved by people.

16. Plantain

Perennial herbs, the fruit will grow several black-brown seeds, known as "cover fruit", plantain can be used as medicinal materials, tender leaves can be fried and eaten.

17. Honeysuckle

Semi-evergreen shrubs, flowers, stems and leaves of Lonicera japonica can also be used as dishes. Flowers can be steamed or fried, or they can be dried to make tea.

18. Wild onions

Perennial herbs, fresh from May to June, can be eaten raw with cold sauce, can also be put in human soup, and can also be fried meat. It tastes very good.

19. Wild mint

Verticillate inflorescences, which are picked in autumn as vegetables, are fragrant and contain opposite nutrients to Rabdosia. It can be used as a salad dish, and a few fresh leaves are put in the soup to increase the flavor.

20. Pine nuts

The seed of pine tree is called "longevity golden elixir". Mature pine cones contain seeds, which can be eaten raw or fried.

21. Asparagus

Also known as seaweed, the sporangia are purplish red and scattered on the surface of the algae. It is very good to steam meat.

22. Seaweed

Edible algae, at first, try to eat less each time, until their own intestinal adaptation. Usually before eating, it needs to be washed in fresh water to remove some of the salt.

23. Porcine hair vegetable

Pig hair vegetable is as thin as a needle, it is very delicious when it is fresh and tender, and my mother often uses it to make a popular dish cake.

24. Patchouli

Patchouli leaves usually make porridge when they are fresh and tender. When they are ripe, they dry them in the sun and make condiments when stewing meat.

25. Schisandra chinensis

Fructus Schisandrae is very special. it has five flavors, so it is called Schisandra chinensis. It is dried and soaked in water after it is ripe in autumn.

At this point, we must have eaten wild vegetables more or less, and now there are more varieties, so we can choose what we like.

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