
Where is the best sweet potato in China? See if there is any hometown for you.

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, Sweet potato itself is a kind of food with high sweetness, which is sweet when eaten raw and cooked, but there are differences in sugar content of sweet potatoes from different varieties and places. Some friends like to eat sweet sweet potato varieties that are roasted. Let's have a brief understanding of the whole country.

Sweet potato itself is a kind of food with high sweetness, which is sweet when eaten raw and cooked, but there are differences in the sugar content of sweet potatoes from different varieties and places of origin. Some friends like to eat sweet potato varieties that are sweeter. Let's have a brief understanding of which sweet potatoes are the best and sweetest in the country.

1. Shangshu 19

The potato is spindle-shaped, the skin is dark red, the meat is extra white, the drying rate is 36-38%, the starch content is 23-25%, and the starch is super white. It has excellent taste and is praised by farmers as "chestnut fragrance". The original code: 968-19, is a famous Chinese potato breeding expert Lei Shusheng and assistant Li Yuanhua used SL-01 as female parent and Yushu 7 as male parent, including 64 domestic and foreign improved varieties of genetic heterozygotes.

two。 Qinshu 4

It is a short type, the vine is about one meter long, the plant is small, the potato is strip-shaped, purple-red skin, white and yellow meat. There are 6 to 8 tubers per plant, and the tubers are uniform, neat and concentrated, fertilizer-tolerant, drought-tolerant and adaptable. In general, it is not easy to grow, and the soil fertility and planting period are not strict. The average yield per mu is 6000kg to 9000jin.

3. Yam 25

According to Xin Guosheng, director of the Sweet Potato Institute, "Yanshu 25" is a delicious baked sweet potato variety, rich in β-carotene, dietary fiber, mucus protein and other ingredients. This variety has the characteristics of high yield, stable yield, drought tolerance, fertilizer and water tolerance, wide adaptability, strong disease resistance and good taste, so it is suitable for fresh cultivation and commercial production.

4. Pushu 32

Has always been known as sweet potato, eat very sweet, whether steamed or roasted to eat is very sweet. And can also make Ding to make porridge. The redder this variety is, the sweeter it is.

5. Ginseng potato

A variety from Zhejiang, this variety has a high yield, can be baked, and tastes very good. It also contains a lot of pectin.

6. Jishu 26

It is called "Yellow Heart Princess" not only because its flesh is yellow, but also because it tastes delicious, and in recent years Jishu 26 ranks third as a black horse, and many processors use Jishu 26 to make diced yellow potatoes.

In addition to these varieties, there are a lot of sweet potato varieties are good, each place has its own characteristics, the high sweetness sweet potato varieties introduced above rank regardless of order, in fact, you can also learn about the main sweet potato producing areas in China, such as Anhui Sixian (hometown of Chinese yams), Hebei Lulong, Fujian Liancheng, Henan Kaifeng, Dengzhou, Tanghe Tongzhaipu, Shandong Sishui, Sichuan Nanchong and other areas.

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