
What are the sweet potato varieties with high sweetness? Sweetness ranking of sweet potato varieties

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, Sweet potato taste waxy sweet, nutritious, and quality and cheap only a few cents per jin, is a lot of people like health food. At present, the winter weather is cold, more and more sweet potatoes are baked on the street, so it is very comfortable to buy one to warm the body. As we all know, red

Sweet potato taste waxy sweet, nutritious, and quality and cheap only a few cents per jin, is a lot of people like health food. At present, the winter weather is cold, more and more sweet potatoes are baked on the street, so it is very comfortable to buy one to warm the body. As we all know, there are many varieties of sweet potatoes, so what are the varieties with high sweetness? Foodies, don't miss it!

1. Yam 25

Yanshu 25 was selected by Yantai Academy of Agricultural Sciences through hybrid technology. It passed the national identification and Shandong Province approval in March 2012. It is a new edible variety with high quality, high yield and good disease resistance. Sweet potato 25 is a fresh-eating sweet potato with an average yield of about 3500 jin per mu and high sweetness and fragrant waxy taste, so it is best to make roasted potatoes.

2. Sushu No. 8

Sushu 8 is a red-skinned red-heart edible variety selected by the Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, through conventional breeding, with "Sushu 4" as the female parent and "Sushu 1" as the male parent. Sushu No. 8 potato skin is smooth, purplish red, potato meat tangerine red, meat fine, sweet taste. The output of fresh potatoes reached more than 5000 kilograms.

3. Guangshu 87

Guangshu 87 is one of the most popular leading varieties in Guangdong Province, with an starch rate of 19.75%, steamed cooked food with a strong flavor of powder and potato, and a good taste. The variety was approved by the province in 2015 and demonstrated and popularized in the whole province. According to the statistics of the provincial seed management station, the application area of the province reached 1.695 million mu from 2006 to 2017.

4. Heart fragrance

Xinxiang is a new sweet potato variety bred by the seed of Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, so Zhe 127 is the female parent. The potato of this variety has uniform size, purple-red skin and yellow meat, and the commodity rate is high. The taste is more pink and sweet, especially with fine texture and good palatability. In the quality comparison test in Zhejiang Province in 2006, the average yield of fresh potato per mu was 2061.4 kg, which was 6.0% higher than that of the control Xushu 18.

5. Pushu 32

Pushu 32 is a new sweet potato variety selected by Puning Institute of Agricultural Sciences. The potato shape is beautiful, the potato body is smooth, the potato piece skin is bright red, and the potato meat is orange. This variety is more resistant to storage, the potato pieces are easy to "return sugar" after storage, and the taste is sweet and delicious after "returning sugar". In the provincial regional test in the autumn of 2010, the yield of fresh potato was 34.91 tons per hectare, which was 32.5% higher than that of the control variety Guangshu 111.

The above ranking is not in order, of course, there are many sweet potato varieties, such as Zheng Hong 22, Jishu 26, Lizixiang, Shangshu 19, Yusi 6, Xushu 34 and so on. I wonder which is the sweetest sweet potato variety you have ever eaten. Welcome to leave a message for discussion.

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