
Introduction to the complete Collection of Flower varieties

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, There are a wide range of flowers, including not only flowering plants, but also moss and ferns. Its cultivation and application methods are also varied. According to the life form and ecological habits of flowers and plants, there are many varieties of flowers. The following editor will introduce them.

There are a wide range of flowers, including not only flowering plants, but also moss and ferns. Its cultivation and application methods are also varied, according to the life form and ecological habits of flowers and plants, there are more varieties of flowers, the following editor to introduce.

Flowers in the open field

That is, under natural conditions, the whole growth process is completed without the need for protected cultivation. Flowers in the open field can be divided into three categories according to their life history.

1. Annual flowers

A plant that completes its life cycle in a growing season. That is, from sowing to flowering, fruiting and dying are all completed in one growing season. Generally sow in spring, grow in summer and autumn, blossom and bear fruit, and then die, so annual flowers are also called spring sowing flowers. Such as Fengxianhua, cockscomb, zinnia, half lotus, marigold and so on.

2. Biennial flowers

A flower that completes its life cycle in two growing seasons. Only vegetative organs grew at that time, but flowered, fruited and died later. This kind of flowers are usually sown in autumn and blossom in the following spring. Therefore, this kind of flowers are often called autumn sowing flowers. Such as colorful carnation, violets, kale, chrysanthemum and so on.

3. Perennial flowers

Individuals who live for more than two years can blossom and bear fruit many times. According to the morphological changes of the underground part, it can be divided into two categories:

(1) perennial root flowers: the underground part is normal in shape and does not have metamorphosis. Such as peony, hairpin, day lily and so on.

(2) bulbous flowers: those with abnormal hypertrophy in the underground part. According to its abnormal shape, it is divided into the following five categories.

① bulbs: the underground stem is fish-scaly. Those with a papery skin are called leathery bulbs, such as daffodils, tulips and Zhu Dinghong. The outer part of the scale without outer covering is called skinless bulb, such as lily.

② bulbs: underground stems are spherical or oblate, with a leathery skin on the outside. Such as Gladiolus, Champagne and so on.

③ rhizome: the underground stem is hypertrophic and rhizomatous, with obvious nodes above, and new buds are born at the top of the branches, such as canna, lotus, water lilies and so on.

④ tubers: underground stems are irregular blocks or strips, such as calla lily, cyclamen, paulownia, evening jade and so on.

⑤ tuber root type: the underground taproot is hypertrophic and lumpy, and the root system grows from the end of the tuber root, such as Dahlia.

4. Aquatic flowers

Flowers that grow in water or marshes, such as water lilies, lotus flowers, etc.

5. Rock flowers

Refers to the flowers with strong drought tolerance and suitable for cultivation in the rock garden. It is often used in gardens. Generally, subshrubs with persistent roots or Lignification at the base, as well as flowers such as ferns and other damp flowers.

Second, greenhouse flowers

Refers to flowers native to tropical, subtropical and warm areas of the south. Cultivation in cold areas of the north must be cultivated in a greenhouse or protected in a greenhouse in winter.

1. Annual or biennial flowers. Such as melon and leaf chrysanthemum, balsam flower, fragrant pea and so on.

2. Perennial flowers. Such as African chrysanthemum, gentleman orchid and so on.

3. Bulbous flowers. Such as cyclamen, Zhu Dinghong, big rock tree, calla lily, flower leaf taro and so on.

4. According to their ecological habits, Orchidaceae can be divided into:

(1) terrestrial orchids: such as Cymbidium, Cymbidium, Jian Orchid, Han Orchid, Mulan, Chunjian and so on.

(2) epiphytic orchids: such as Dendrobium, Wandailan, Paphiopedilum and so on.

5. Succulent plants. Refers to plants with well-developed water storage tissues in stems and leaves, showing a hypertrophic, succulent metamorphosis. Including cactus, crassulaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Compositae, pineapple, tequila and other families.

6. Ferns. According to the different viewing methods, it can be divided into the following four categories:

(1) Green ferns in the garden. Such as green cloud grass, Alsophila spinulosa. Among them, Alsophila spinulosa, also known as tree fern, is the largest fern, up to more than 10 meters high. It is an ancient group, an endangered species in China, and a first-class protected plant in China. In addition, Huaiyeping and Manjianghong are good materials for water surface greening.

(2) potted foliage ferns. Such as stone pine, black fern, centipede grass, iron fern and so on. Among them, stone pine, kidney fern and iron fern are important materials for cutting flowers and leaves.

(3) hanging ferns. Such as kidney fern, nest fern and so on.

(4) pteridophytes in mountain and stone bonsai. Such as Selaginella officinalis, fan fern. Among them, Dryopteris is the smallest among ferns, only a few centimeters in size.

7. Insectivorous plants. Such as pitcher plant, bottle grass and so on. In some cut flower art, it is often used as a material for artistic flower arrangement.

8. Pyraceae plants. Such as water tower flowers, wind pears and so on.

9. Palm plants. Such as sunflower, brown bamboo, pocket coconut and other foliage flowers.

10. Flowers and trees include poinsettia, variable-leaf trees and so on.

11. Aquatic flowers such as king lotus, tropical water lily, etc.

Planting includes transplanting and colonization. The method is the same, planting is no longer moving after planting, while transplanting is a cultivation measure before planting to change the planting distance for plants to meet their growth needs.

The above is about the introduction of flower varieties, flowers have a wide range of uses, life, there are more and more people like to cultivate flowers. Different flowers have different biological characteristics, and they have different requirements for light, temperature, water and other environmental conditions. Flower friends should pay attention to them.

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