
The country's best to eat sweet potatoes ranking, these are very popular!

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, Sweet potato is a kind of very nutritious grain root, which is often seen in the vegetable market and has good edible and medicinal value. a long time ago, sweet potato was listed as "longevity food", which plays a good role in replenishing deficiency and benefiting energy. there are a lot of people.

Sweet potato is a kind of very nutritious grain root, which can often be seen in the vegetable market. It has good edible and medicinal value. A long time ago, sweet potato was listed as "longevity food". It plays a very good role in replenishing deficiency and benefiting energy. there are a lot of people like to eat, so what is the best ranking of sweet potatoes in the country? Let's get to know it next.

First, Sheng Nan

This is a kind of sweet potato hybrid variety, planted in Hunan, Shandong, southern Zhejiang and other areas, cooked and soft, sweet, deeply loved by consumers, this variety has a high flour yield and pure white powder, and is a better variety for the development of sweet potato processing at present. this variety is resistant to fertilizer and moisture, and has great yield potential, with a yield of about 3000 jin per mu.

II. Jishu 29

Jishu 29, also known as Meitian 17, the latest variety of Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, has the advantages of leaf tooth type, short vines, easy management, early maturity, small potato pieces, good quality, sweet and waxy taste, excellent taste, wide adaptability, strong stress resistance, transportation and storage resistance. the yield per mu is about 3000 kg.

Third, Qinshu No. 8

The variety is a hybrid variety, sweet and easy to cultivate, high yield, resistant to storage, potato pieces are long spindle-shaped, smooth, purple-red peel, orange-red meat. After planting, the root is fast, the slow seedling branches are early and many, the growth is steady, and it is not easy to grow in the field resistant to water and fertilizer.

4. Zhejiang Shu 13

Zheshu 13 is a high starch processing sweet potato variety with purplish red skin and orange flesh. The skin of potato is smooth, no longitudinal groove, no cracking, the appearance of potato block is beautiful, and the commerciality is good. Taste powder, sweet taste, resistant to storage, fast germination, is a very good planting variety.

Qin Zishu No. 2

This is a purple potato variety with good commodity, high anthocyanin content, less crude fiber, fine texture, excellent cooked food taste, good market planting prospect, fresh yield of more than 2500kg per mu, and considerable planting prospect.

To sum up, I believe you have a clearer understanding of the national ranking of sweet potatoes. If you want to eat sweet and fragrant sweet potatoes, the above varieties are very good and can be planted on a large scale.

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