
The balcony raises a wall climbing master, unexpectedly runs 3 meters a year, the neighbor is dumbfounded!

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Spring is coming and the weather is getting warmer. Huahua plans to plant several vine climbers on the balcony to turn the empty balcony into a fragrant sea of flowers. Have the flower friends started to act? First, let's take a look at the kinds of flowers that Huahua wants to grow.

Clematis, fresh flowers, crawling all over the balcony

Clematis, nicknamed "Queen Fujimoto", shows that it is not only a wall-climbing master, but also the best-looking one. Its variety is really many, the design and color is dazzling, such as purple, white, pink, rose and so on, the flower fragrance is fresh and elegant, hurry to see its beauty!

The clematis climbing the wall is extremely beautiful. How can we raise the clematis so well? Huahua will tell you about the key points of maintenance.

1. Choose a large flowerpot

If you want clematis to grow well, you must choose a large flowerpot with a diameter of at least 35 cm and a depth of at least 40 cm, so that the roots of clematis have enough room to grow.

2. The soil should be loose and fertile

The root system of clematis is fleshy, so it must be loose and breathable when preparing soil, otherwise it is easy to choke the root system. First put 5-10 cm broken tiles on the bottom of the basin, then mix the peat soil, pine needle soil and organic fertilizer evenly, and put them into the basin.

3. The soil is dry before watering

When the temperature is higher than 15 degrees, choose clematis with strong roots and many stems and leaves, plant them in flowerpots and water them once. In the follow-up maintenance process, you should wait for the basin soil to dry before watering. Do not water too much. If you have rotten roots, you will be busy in vain.

4. Ventilation should be good and light should be adequate.

Clematis can easily get sick if it is not well ventilated. If you want it to open more and more brightly, you must bask in the sun more often. It is best to put it in the sun all day.

Morning glory, gorgeous flowers and colors, roaring and strong

Morning glory, also known as trumpet flower, is also a small expert at climbing the wall, the flower is like a trumpet, the color of the flower is purple, white, peach, etc., morning glory has strong vitality. As long as you sow a few seeds, you will soon be able to climb all over the wall. when the seeds are ripe, they will fall into the soil, and there will be a sea of flowers next year!

Morning glory is easy to raise, does not need special maintenance, can rub and crawl all over the wall, very suitable for lazy people.

1. When the temperature is higher than 20 degrees, plant flowers.

When the temperature is above 20 degrees, the seeds can be sprinkled into the soil, covered with a thin layer of soil, and can germinate in 5-10 days.

2. Put it in a place with good ventilation and plenty of light

Put the morning glory in a well-ventilated place to breathe fresh air and reduce the damage caused by germs. Put it on the outdoor south balcony in spring, and the ventilation and lighting conditions are very suitable for its growth.

3. Pick the heart in time

When morning glory grows 3-4 leaves, delicate vines will grow in the middle of the leaves. At this time, take off the vines, that is, pick the heart. When another 3-4 leaves grow, pick the heart again. This is to promote it to grow more branches.

4. After picking the heart, you should top up in time.

After picking the heart, you should fertilize it in time and give it sufficient nutrition, which will make the branches grow faster and stronger. For example, rotten chicken dung, peel nutrient solution and so on.

Parthenocissus, with green leaves, climbs all over the wall in a minute.

The ivy who is good at climbing walls is definitely an expert at climbing, and its appearance is very similar to that of grapevines. It can grow 2-3 meters a year, which is taller than a building. It seems to be able to fly over the eaves and walls. If it is not trimmed for a few years, it can actually climb the outer walls of a long building. Look!

This is the fruit of Parthenocissus. Don't pick it off and eat it directly, but it can be used to make wine.

The mountain creeper is tenacious, and it doesn't take much effort to maintain it.

1. When the temperature is higher than 10 degrees, you can sow or cut.

Parthenocissus can be propagated with seeds, or cut off 15cm-long branches into the soil. The soil is loose and breathable sand, and the survival rate is very high.

2. The soil is dry and then watered, and in the afternoon in spring

Watering is not dry or not, try to water in the afternoon in spring, about once every two weeks is enough.

3. Adequate light and good ventilation

Parthenocissus is not afraid of strong light, can be kept outdoors, bask in the sun, to ensure good ventilation, the leaves will grow greenish and dense.

These three kinds of wall climbers

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