
What are the kinds of cod? Which kind of cod is the best?

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, Cod is a kind of delicious fish with high economic value, which is called "gold in the sea". It can prevent high blood pressure, activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, clear away heat and reduce inflammation, so there are many friends who like to keep in good health and like this kind of food very much.

Cod is a kind of delicious fish with high economic value, which is called "gold in the sea". It can prevent high blood pressure, activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, clear heat and reduce inflammation, so there are many friends who like health care and like this kind of food very much. so what are the species of cod? Which kind of cod is the best? Let's go and have a look next.

What are the species of cod?

1. Silver cod

Silver cod, also known as naked fish, is one of the main edible cod fish. At present, the main producing countries of cod are Canada, Iceland, Norway and Russia, while Japan is mainly produced in Hokkaido. The catch of silver cod is very large and has important economic value. This fish has high nutritional value and contains fat, protein and a variety of vitamins.

2. Water cod

Water cod because of its too much water and lead to loose meat, large and hard scales, taste is relatively poor with other fish, the price is very low, so the nutrition is also poor. The cod on the market is mixed, because cod and oilfish are similar, vendors will scrape off the scales of oilfish and sell them as cod, which is not much different in appearance. Therefore, when buying cod, you should pay attention to the selection skills, because the oily fish is not suitable for consumption.

3. Hake

Hake is named because it doesn't need it. This is a special kind of cod because of the different skeletal characteristics of the skull and ribs. Long body, big head, big teeth and sharp teeth. There are two dorsal fins, the second dorsal fin is long, and there are shallow grooves near the middle. This is a fast-swimming carnivorous cod that is popular with consumers.

4. Dragon cod

The real body of dragon cod, oil fish, belongs to deep-sea fish. In the weight of oil fish, more than 40% of the wax ester, because the wax ester melting point is as high as 99 ℃, the human body can not decompose and absorb, so the human intestinal tract stimulation will appear diarrhoea, and discharge orange oil ester, but will not be poisoned. Oily fish is mainly used in industry, and it is generally not recommended to eat oily fish.

Which kind of cod is the best?

Although there are many kinds of cod, the common ones are the above, the best quality is silver cod, France is the best, followed by Norway. Silver cod has the highest nutritional value of all fish and is known as the dietitian on the dinner table in Europe. Fish oil content is very high and low in lead and mercury, eating is very good for the baby's health is this silver cod.

So far, I believe you have a more comprehensive understanding of the species of cod. If you want to eat cod, it is recommended to eat silver cod, which is the best species of cod. Dragon cod is not recommended.

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