
Where is the best apple in China?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Apple is a kind of nutritious fruit worthy of the name. As the saying goes, an apple a day keeps the doctor away from me. The apple is notoriously high in nutritional value, can be said to be the fruit of life, and has the function of tonifying the brain, nourishing blood, calming the mind and sleeping. Then the best in the country.

Apple is a kind of nutritious fruit worthy of the name. As the saying goes, an apple a day keeps the doctor away from me. The apple is famous for its high nutritional value, it can be said to be the fruit of life, and it has the function of tonifying the brain, nourishing blood, calming the mind and sleeping. So what is the first place of the most delicious apples in the country? Let's go and have a look next.

1. Linqu, Shanxi

Shanxi apple is also very famous, but the most famous one is Linyi apple. Although Linyi apple is not big and not very crisp, it has thin and sweet skin, lots of fruit juice and attractive color. This kind of apple is sold abroad.

2. Luochuan, Shaanxi

The annual output of apples in Luochuan, Shaanxi Province can reach 11 million tons, and the planting area is also the largest in the country. Some netizens joked that you can eat one Shaanxi apple in every seven apples. Luochuan apple, the most famous apple in Shaanxi, has excellent hardness and brittleness, juicy, relatively average sweetness and thick skin.

3. Tianshui, Gansu

Many people do not know that Gansu is rich in apples. Tianshui's apple skin is thin and sweet, and the most special thing is that its apple juice is milky and milky, but the output of this kind of apple is not high and the price is relatively high.

4. Qixia, Yantai

Qixia apples in Yantai are famous all over the country. Qixia apples are bright in color, large in size, moderate in brittleness and sweetness, and the skin is thin and rich in fruit juice. Qixia apples have high appearance, sell well, and have a considerable market.

5. Henan Lingbao

The apple of Lingbao can be said to be the representative of Henan Province. There are favorable conditions for apple growth here. The land is fertile, Rain Water is sufficient, the day is long and night is short, and the temperature difference between day and night is large. Lingbao apple is known as the highest mountain orchard in Asia. Lingbao apple is colorful, seedless and juicy. The meat is crispy and sweet and the skin is thick, but the apples here do not sell well.

6. Aksu

Aksu apples in Xinjiang are large, the peel is slightly thick and the hardness is relatively high, and the fruit juice is very sweet. The apples here have sugar hearts, so most of the apples in Xinjiang are sugar-core apples. Because the geographical environment of Xinjiang is superior. The temperature difference between day and night is very large, which is very important for the taste of apple during its ripening period.

At this point, the ranking of the most delicious apples in China is introduced here. If you want to eat apples with good quality and high sweetness, the apples in these places are very good.

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