
Which of the five improved breeds of yellow cattle in China is better to raise? Nanyang scalpers, who rank first, get to know it!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, There are about 25 kinds of yellow cattle in China, but only Qinchuan cattle, Nanyang cattle, Luxi cattle, Yanbian cattle and Jinnan cattle can be called improved breeds. Relying on the advantages of brand and resources, they have become excellent local varieties in various regions. For a long time

There are about 25 kinds of yellow cattle in China, but only Qinchuan cattle, Nanyang cattle, Luxi cattle, Yanbian cattle and Jinnan cattle can be called improved breeds. Relying on the advantages of brand and resources, they have become excellent local varieties in various regions. For a long time, the discussion about which of the five improved breeds of scalpers is the best has never stopped. Today, let's talk about Nanyang scalpers, which ranks first.

What's so good about Nanyang scalpers?

1. Have a long history

Farmers in Nanyang have always had the habit of raising cattle. As far back as the Spring and Autumn period, Nanyang yellow cattle have entered the stage of house feeding and captivity. Born and raised here, Bailixi, the famous figure of the State of Qin, was good at raising cattle. During most of his life, raising cattle in Qilingang in the west of Nanyang City became his main means of making a living. There are also many interesting stories about Bailishi and Nanyang scalpers.

2. Superior natural conditions

Nanyang yellow cattle are mainly distributed in the vast plain areas of the Tanghe and Baihe basins in Nanyang City, Henan Province, which is located in the transition zone between subtropical and warm temperate zones, with four distinct seasons, sufficient light, moderate rainfall and long frost-free period. Superior natural conditions, coupled with decades of scientific and technological innovation and standardization construction, have effectively promoted the breeding of Nanyang yellow cattle, and the quality of Nanyang yellow cattle has been greatly improved. On the other hand, Nanyang yellow cattle has gradually become an excellent local brand with large body, rough feeding resistance, excellent quality, large quantity and service meat.

3. Honors received

Nanyang yellow cattle was first listed in the National Livestock and Poultry Variety Protection list by the Ministry of Agriculture in 1998, and registered through the country of origin marked domain name through the State Administration of quality and Technical Supervision in 2002.

4. Market prospect

Nanyang yellow cattle have long enjoyed a high reputation at home and abroad, and it is a valuable resource wealth for the people of Nanyang. Scalpers and their products radiate more than a dozen large and medium-sized cities in China, such as Shanghai and Beijing, and are exported to Russia, South Korea, Japan, the Middle East, Hong Kong and other countries and regions.

5. Other performance

Service performance: Nanyang yellow cattle bulls and cows are good at walking, pulling cars and farming quickly, known as fast cattle, strong service ability. Generally speaking, Nanyang yellow cattle have 2-3 mu of arable land per day, with a load of 1000-1500 kg and 30-40 km per day.

Meat performance: the average slaughtering rate of medium-fat bulls was 52.2%, the net meat rate was 43.6%, the bone-to-meat ratio was 1.15 5.06, the carcass meat production rate was 83.5%, and the eye muscle area was 60.9 square centimeters.

Production performance: the castrated cattle after intensity fattening were slaughtered when the body weight reached 510 kg, the slaughtering rate was 64.5%, the net meat percentage was 56.8%, the meat was delicate, the color was bright red, and the marbling was obvious.

To sum up, Nanyang cattle farming has a long history and has gradually become an excellent local brand in domestic and foreign markets with the help of good natural and geographical conditions. So which of the five improved breeds of yellow cattle in China do you think is better? Welcome to leave a message for discussion.

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