
What kinds of pumpkins are often sold in the supermarket? How to eat different kinds of pumpkins?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, It can be said that pumpkins with good quality and low prices are very popular with ordinary people in daily life. Pumpkins can not only cook porridge, but also make all kinds of food. I believe many people have bought pumpkins in the supermarket. Like other vegetables, pumpkin varieties

It can be said that pumpkins with good quality and low prices are very popular with ordinary people in daily life. Pumpkins can not only cook porridge, but also make all kinds of food. I believe many people have bought pumpkins in the supermarket. Like other vegetables, pumpkins are rich in varieties, and different varieties of pumpkins are eaten differently. Let's get to know more about it.

Pumpkin varieties often sold in supermarkets

1. Honey pumpkin

Honey pumpkin can be said to be the most common kind of pumpkin, and it is also the "old pumpkin" widely recognized by the public. It is easy to grow, good quality, suitable for cooking and deep processing. In the taste is also more delicate, sweet taste, the key is also cheap.

2. Golden Pumpkin

Golden pumpkin, also known as red-skinned pumpkin, is flat and round as a whole, with uniform fruit shape, fleshy flesh and smooth and sweet taste. Because the golden pumpkin is more beautiful and resistant to storage, it is often used as an ornamental pumpkin in addition to eating.

3. Cream pumpkin

Cream pumpkins are imported from the country of Argentina, not only have a creamy flavor, but also look very novel, so cream pumpkins stand out among a large pile of pumpkins in the supermarket. Cream pumpkin has high sugar content and excellent taste. The most important thing is that cream pumpkin has a short growth cycle and good planting efficiency.

4. Beibei pumpkin

Beibei pumpkin is a common online celebrity variety, the provenance comes from Japan, it tastes both the sweetness of pumpkin and the sweetness of chestnut. There are many Beibei pumpkins on the market now, and the price difference is also large.

5. Cow leg pumpkin

Cow leg pumpkin gets its name because it is shaped like a cow leg. This kind of pumpkin has more fiber and tastes rough when it is fully ripe, so eating cow leg pumpkin is more suitable for eating when it is tender and tastes refreshing.

6. Xinjiang aristocratic pumpkin

Xinjiang aristocratic pumpkin, also known as golden chestnut gourd, is somewhat similar in shape to zucchini, with pointed ends and round middle. However, because it comes from Xinjiang and has plenty of light, this kind of pumpkin has a high sugar content, especially sweet powder and rich chestnut fragrance.

Eating methods of different pumpkin varieties

From the edible point of view, the above pumpkin varieties can be roughly classified into three categories: chestnut pumpkin, strip pumpkin and grinding plate pumpkin. First of all, chestnut pumpkin, this kind of pumpkin taste delicate powder waxy, sweet and rich, its calories, sugar and nutrition are the highest of the three types of pumpkin, so chestnut pumpkin is the most suitable for direct steaming.

Striped pumpkins are suitable for cooking and deep processing. Fully mature striped pumpkins can be used to make Pumpkin Porridge, pumpkin pie, pumpkin steamed buns, garlic pumpkins and so on. Green and tender striped pumpkins can be used for stir-frying and taste very refreshing.

The grinding plate-shaped pumpkin has the lowest calorie of all pumpkins and can be fried or stewed.

Generally speaking, there are a wide variety of pumpkin products sold in the supermarket, and you can choose according to your favorite. Of course, pumpkins are not limited to these varieties, according to different geographical conditions, many new pumpkin varieties have been born, but in short, different pumpkins have different ways to eat, just learn to distinguish.

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