
What are the common varieties of Artemisia annua? Introduction to the breeding methods of Artemisia annua L.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Chrysanthemum artemisia originated in China, is a semi-cold-tolerant vegetable, because of its rich nutrition and edible value, it is called "emperor dish", and chrysanthemum chrysanthemum has always been a court delicacy in ancient China. Because chrysanthemum chrysanthemum has a lot of value, the prospect of natural planting is also very broad.

Chrysanthemum artemisia originated in China, is a semi-cold-tolerant vegetable, because of its rich nutrition and edible value, it is called "emperor dish", and chrysanthemum chrysanthemum has always been a court delicacy in ancient China. Because chrysanthemum chrysanthemum has a lot of value and broad prospects for natural cultivation, many farmers will come to plant chrysanthemum. However, if we want to plant chrysanthemum well, we still need to make great efforts in the methods of variety selection and seedling breeding.

Common varieties of Artemisia annua L.

Artemisia annua can be divided into two types: large-leaf species and small-leaf species. Artemisia annua L. has slow growth, long growth period and late maturity, which is suitable for planting in the south, mainly eating leaves; Artemisia angustifolia L. is fast-growing, early-maturing, cold-resistant and suitable for cultivation in the north, but its quality and yield are not as good as those of Artemisia annua L., but its texture is hard and fragrance is strong. The common varieties are as follows:

1. Shanghai round-leaf chrysanthemum: Shanghai local variety, large-leaf variety, shallow leaf margin, mainly eating leaves, strong branching and high yield.

2. Artemisia seed stalk: Beijing farm variety, which is a leaflet variety with tender stems and leaves, has strong cold tolerance and high yield.

3. Artemisia annua L.: local varieties in Shaanxi Province, with thinner mesophyll, more branches, strong aroma and good quality, so it is suitable for planting in solar greenhouse and greenhouse.

4. Artemisia annua L.: introduced by farmers in Taiwan, its leaves are large and thick, not resistant to high temperature, drought and waterlogging, and less diseases and insect pests, so it is suitable for planting in solar greenhouse and greenhouse.

5. Fragrant chrysanthemum No. 3 chrysanthemum: introduced from Japan, middle leaf species. The leaf is slightly larger, the leaf color is dark green and glossy, the branching force is strong, the yield is high, and it is resistant to downy mildew.

Seedling raising method of Artemisia annua L.

1. Make beds

When making a border, it is generally required that the width of the border is about 1.5-1.8 meters, and the length can be flexibly controlled according to the actual situation of the greenhouse. Fine the soil with a rake and rake it flat. And then you can sow the seeds.

2. Seed soaking by accelerating germination

3-4 days before sowing, the seeds were soaked in warm water of 30 ℃ for 24 hours, then washed and dried under the condition of 25 ℃. The seeds were washed once a day, and the seeds could be sown after 3-4 days of germination.

3. Intersowing seedlings

Because the plant of chrysanthemum is small and the growth period is short, it can be intercropped with other vegetables. Direct broadcast, broadcast and strip broadcasting can be used in production. The seed consumption of sowing is generally 3-4 kg per mu, and the row spacing of strip sowing can be controlled at about 10 cm.

Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum can emerge about a week after sowing, and when the seedlings grow to 2mur3 true leaves, the seedlings should be carried out, and the seedlings with high density can be pulled up directly, and the row spacing of the seedlings left behind can be kept at about 4-6 cm.

4. Transplanting

Practice has proved that transplanting seedlings grow faster than direct seeding seedlings. When transplanting, the seedlings should be raised with a sickle and put into a prepared pot. Then transplant to the whole field, the row spacing is about 4-6 cm, watering once after transplanting, and applying nitrogen fertilizer once 20 days after transplanting.

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The above is the introduction of the varieties and breeding methods of Artemisia annua. In order to plant chrysanthemum well, we must first understand the varieties and breeding methods of chrysanthemum, and effectively combine the follow-up daily cultivation and management techniques. When facing the problem, taking effective methods can naturally ensure the quality and high yield of Artemisia annua.

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