
How to choose western dishes? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, I believe that most of my friends have eaten watercress, which is also called watercress, which is suitable for planting in many parts of our country. Its edible part has the effect of clearing lung heat and moistening lung dryness, and its nutrition is relatively high, so many people like to eat it. How to choose the seeds of watercress?

I believe that most of my friends have eaten watercress, which is also called watercress, which is suitable for planting in many parts of our country. Its edible part has the effect of clearing lung heat and moistening lung dryness, and its nutrition is relatively high, so many people like to eat it. Then how to choose watercress? What are the methods of raising seedlings? Friends who want to know, please read the following!

First, how to choose watercress?

The main results are as follows: 1. The varieties of western cabbage without flowering can only choose the old ones to propagate over the summer. Generally, the field with strong growth should be selected as the seed field, and the plant with sturdy stem, wide and long leaves in line with the characteristics of the planted varieties should be selected as the seed plant. The selected plants were transferred from paddy field to dry land in South China in mid-April and in the Yangtze River Basin in mid-May, when the local temperature reached about 20 ℃. The selection of dry land requires cool ventilation, convenient irrigation and drainage, and it is best to have trees around for moderate shade. Ploughing and raking to make beds before transplanting, planting row spacing 15 cm, plant spacing 13 cm 15 cm, each planting 10-15 rows free 35 cm as a field operation walkway. Water it every day after planting until it survives. In the later management, if the growth between plants is crowded, some plants or branches should be removed in time to ensure ventilation and light transmission. The soil is always moist, but there is no stagnant water. In case of high temperature and strong light in summer, when the highest temperature is more than 35 ℃, it is covered with sunshade net at noon, and cold water is drenched once in the morning, in the middle and in the evening.

2. The flowering and fruiting varieties of watercress can be propagated by seeds. In South China, it is more than in the middle of February, that is, when the local temperature reaches about 10 ℃, the selected species and plants in accordance with the characteristics of the planted varieties will be transplanted to dry land, and the selected dry land conditions and preparation work will be the same as the above asexual reproduction, but trees should not be shaded around. Generally, buds blossom in late March, pods set in April-May, and pods mature from late May to early June. The seed land should be fertilized once in the bud stage and podding stage respectively. In addition to applying dilute nitrogen fertilizer, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be properly increased to promote the fullness of seeds and do a good job in pest control. Pods are easy to burst naturally after maturity, so it is necessary to collect seeds by stages, generally divided into 3 to 4 times, each time at an interval of 4 to 5 days, that is, the seed pods are yellowed, cut when the seeds have turned yellowish brown, and carried out when the dew is not dry in the morning to prevent seed pods from cracking and losing seeds. After harvest can not be exposed to the hot sun, can only be placed in the morning or evening not too strong sun for 1 or 2 days, in case the temperature is too high to affect the germination rate of seeds. Store the sun-dried and threshed seeds in a cool and dry place. About 4.75-5.5 kg of seeds can be harvested per mu of reserved land.

Second, what are the seedling methods of watercress?

Watercress is mostly in September, and when the temperature is about 20 degrees Celsius, it begins to sow and raise seedlings. Generally, there are two methods of raising seedlings in dry land and semi-paddy field. First of all, it is best to select the land with fertile soil and shading effect as the seedling field, and then plough and rake, prepare the soil and make it into a bed, the border soil is fine and flat is the best, first irrigate through the water, sow the soil before sowing.

All right, that's all the editor wants to share with you. Watercress has always been a popular dish in the market, and many people buy it and eat it, so the planting prospect is still very good. The above editor introduced to you the selection and breeding methods of watercress, hoping to help you!

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