
How to choose pumpkin? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Pumpkin taste sweet, nutritious, and affordable, it can be said that pumpkin this vegetable is deeply loved by various families. It is precisely because of the excellent edible value of pumpkins and the stable market demand that basically there are places where vegetables are grown in our country, there are pumpkins.

Pumpkin taste sweet, nutritious, and affordable, it can be said that pumpkin this vegetable is deeply loved by various families. It is precisely because of the excellent edible value of pumpkins, coupled with the stable market demand, basically there are places where vegetables are grown in our country, there are pumpkins. So in the process of planting pumpkin, how to select seeds and raise seedlings? Let's get to know it.

How to choose pumpkin?

There are many varieties of pumpkin, such as early, middle and late ripening varieties according to the maturity time; long melons and round melons according to the shape of melons; big melons and small melons according to the size of melons, and so on. Therefore, before planting, farmers need to refer to the local geographical and climatic conditions. For example, friends in North China are more suitable for growing small round pumpkins. Of course, it should also be determined according to their own needs and market demands. in short, the selection of high-quality and suitable varieties is the key to successful planting.

Seedling raising methods of Pumpkin

1. Soaking seeds to accelerate germination

For general varieties of pumpkin, the mature seeds can sprout directly into the culture soil. But generally in order to promote its normal germination, seed germination treatment needs to be carried out: first, the seeds are soaked in hot water from 55 ℃ to 60 ℃ for 15 minutes, killing bacteria on the surface of the seed coat, then pour into cold water to cool to 30 ℃, then soak for 4 to 6 hours, take out and wrap them with wet sand cloth or towels under the conditions of 25 to 30 ℃ for germination, usually 2 days to sprout and sow.

2. Sowing and raising seedlings

Autumn pumpkin had better be sown from mid-July to early August. Pumpkins have very low requirements for soil, whether it is barren soil or fertile soil, so after choosing a good place, apply enough base fertilizer to prepare the soil. base fertilizer can choose fully mature farm manure or compound fertilizer.

3. Sowing method

Sowing method can choose the simplest direct seeding method, row spacing is between 2-3 meters, plant spacing is between 50-70 cm, 2-3 seeds are sown in each hole, and seedlings should be replenished in time after seed germination. The best way to raise seedlings is to use a nutrition bowl, with the radicle facing down to cover 1-1.5 cm thick fine soil, and then cover a layer of straw or weeds.

4. Fixed value of land preparation

Then is the land preparation and planting and other work, planting pumpkin should be more land preparation and weeding, can effectively promote root development. Pumpkins have few requirements for water and fertilizer. In addition to applying sufficient base fertilizer before planting and topdressing nitrogen fertilizer during vine extension, there is almost no need for topdressing throughout the year. After emergence, if the soil is not very dry, there is no need to water. You can wait until the pumpkin stretches out with topdressing to irrigate. On the other hand, pumpkins cultivated in open field are planted when the seedlings grow two or three true leaves and are free from frost and other hazards. Generally choose sunny afternoon planting, pay attention to nutrition bowl seedlings to water thoroughly before planting, can improve the survival rate.

Phellodendron mandshurica (Thunb.)

Generally speaking, pumpkin planting is very common in rural areas, and the methods and techniques are relatively mature, focusing on seed selection and seedling raising and other key points, followed by the traditional process of field management, I believe everyone can grow a good pumpkin.

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