
What are the common varieties of onions? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Onion is the condiment of stir-frying in our life, is a typical biennial plant, different varieties of onion ripening time is also very different. The seedling technology of different varieties of onion has a great influence on high quality and high yield. So onions are all

Onion is a typical biennial plant, and the ripening time of different varieties of onion is also very different. Different varieties of onion, seedling technology for high quality, high yield is a great impact. So what are the common varieties of onions? What are the breeding methods? Let's take a look at it together with Xiaobian.

1. What are the common varieties of onions?

1. Purple ball onion

Red-skinned variety, mid-late ripening. It is bred by Vegetable Research Institute of South Effect Area of Datong City in Shanxi Province. It is characterized by strong resistance, high quality and storage resistance. It is an excellent variety mainly promoted in high cold area of northern Shanxi Province and suitable for spring sowing and autumn harvest. The plant grows vigorously, the leaves are dark green, the outer epidermis of the bulb is purple, the internal fleshy scales are white with purple halo, the weight of a single bulb is 200-300, the general yield is 3500-4500 kg/mu, and the high yield can reach 5000 kg/mu.

2. High pile red skin

The red-skinned variety is bred by Vegetable Research Institute of Shaanxi Province Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The plant is strong, the leaf color is dark green with wax powder, the bulb longitudinal diameter is 7-8 cm, the transverse diameter is 9-10 cm, the outer epidermis is purple red, the internal fleshy scales are white with purple halo, the bulb monomer weight is 200-300, the variety belongs to middle and late maturity, has higher requirements for water and fertilizer conditions, has few tillers, and has higher cold resistance. Generally, the yield per mu is 3500-4000 kg.

3, 13 onion

the Huangpi variety is breed by Laiyang City vegetable research institute of Shandong Province. that plant grows vigorously, has 8-9 tubular leaf, the leaves are upright, the green bulb is spherical, the diameter is 8-10 cm, the outer skin is yellow and smooth, the fleshy scales are white and yellowish, the single stem weight is 300-350, the bulb tissue is dense, the taste is sweet and slightly spicy, the quality is good, suitable for raw food and cooked food, the variety belongs to middle and late maturity, has strong disease resistance, It is suitable for planting in all parts of the north with a yield of 4000-6000 kg/mu.

4. Xiongyue onion

The yellow bark variety is bred by Liaoning Province Agricultural College. The plant grows vigorously, the number of leaves is 8-9, dark green, the leaves have wax powder, the bulb is oblate, the longitudinal diameter is 4-6 cm, the transverse diameter is 6-8 cm, the bulb outer skin is light yellow, the internal milky white single stem weight is 150-200, cold resistance, heat resistance, disease resistance, salt alkali resistance, difficult bolting, and the yield is 3000-4000 kg/mu under normal circumstances.

2. What are the breeding methods of onions?

1. Select superior species

A good onion variety should be selected before seedling raising. A good onion variety has a great relationship with the later growth and yield of onion. Therefore, the selection of varieties is very important. We should pay attention to selecting varieties with strong growth, high yield and strong disease resistance when planting. Now the main varieties on the market for purple jade, new red star and other purple onion, the yield of these onions are relatively high.

2. Seed bed preparation

Prepare seedbed before seedling raising. The seedbed soil should be rich, soft, strong in water and fertilizer retention, and no crops of the same family have been planted for at least two years. Control the area of the nursery bed, and then soil preparation deep turning, deep turning depth control in about 25-30 cm. Then apply sufficient base fertilizer, which is mainly decomposed farm manure and compound fertilizer. Fully mix fertilizer with soil to improve fertilizer utilization. Finally, water the bed and wait for sowing.

3. Timely sowing

Sowing time is closely related to seedling growth, which will directly affect onion yield and quality. Sowing too early will prolong the growth period of seedlings, resulting in excessive nutrient consumption and excessive absorption, resulting in seedling bolting phenomenon. Sowing too late, the seedling resistance decreased, cold resistance is insufficient, in the winter when easy to appear frozen dead seedlings phenomenon. Therefore, attention should be paid to the sowing time when sowing. The specific sowing time is determined according to different factors such as planting area, variety and weather change. For example, in central and southern China, sowing is generally about 3 days after white dew. After sowing, cover with fine soil and then use appropriate herbicides to do a good job of weeding.

4. Seedling management

Cover with straw after sowing to improve the soil's ability to retain heat, protect it from rain, and then keep the soil moist until the seedlings break through. When about 65% of the seedlings are unearthed, the straw can be uncovered, and then watered appropriately according to weather changes to prevent soil hardening from affecting the growth of seedlings. Then reasonable topdressing, through the management of water and fertilizer to cultivate seedlings. When managing seedlings, it is necessary to prevent the seedlings from growing too large and causing early bolting, and to prevent the seedlings from being too weak and reducing the resistance of seedlings. Then, when the seedlings grow about 4 true leaves and the plants are about 22 cm, they can be planted.

The above is the introduction of onion, China is now planting onion area is also very large, its planting technology is relatively mature. However, when planting onions, they are usually mainly transplanted from seedlings. Seedling transplantation can improve the growth ability of seedlings, increase yield and improve quality.

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