
A new round of rural reform "three arrows fired together"

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, For hundreds of millions of farmers, 2015 will be an extraordinary year. From deepening the reform of rural land system focusing on land circulation and registration and certification, to pilot expansion of rural reform pilot areas, to the reform of rural circulation system with the reform of supply and marketing cooperatives as the core

2015 will be an unusual year for hundreds of millions of farmers. From deepening the reform of the rural land system focusing on land circulation and the registration and issuance of rights, to the pilot expansion of the rural reform pilot area, and then to the reform of the rural circulation system with the reform of supply and marketing cooperatives as the core, the new round of rural reform has taken new steps in building a new countryside, achieved new results in increasing farmers' income, and added new impetus to agricultural development.

The overall land circulation is stable and orderly.

Land transfer is not only the focus of rural land system reform, but also the focus of concern of hundreds of millions of farmers. In April this year, the Ministry of Agriculture, together with the Central Agricultural Office, the Ministry of Land and Resources, and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, jointly issued the "opinions on strengthening the Supervision and risk Prevention of Industrial and Commercial Capital Leasing of farmland." it is proposed to establish five systems: upper limit control, level-by-level filing, examination and examination, risk guarantee fund, and supervision after the event.

"the main purpose of the document is to guide industrial and commercial capital to enter agriculture in an orderly manner, to prevent possible non-grain and non-agricultural problems, and to ensure that farmers' rights and interests, land use and comprehensive agricultural production capacity are not damaged." Zhang Hongyu, director of the Department of Economic Management of the Ministry of Agriculture, said: with the implementation of the spirit of the document, at present, the circulation of land management rights across the country is generally stable and orderly, policy boundaries are clear, government guidance and services are strengthened, and the decisive role of the market is enhanced; the enthusiasm of social capital to participate in the circulation is still on the rise, and the consciousness of rational choice and standardized operation is enhanced.

The latest data show that at present, the degree of standardization of land transfer has improved, and the signing rate of transfer contracts accounts for about 2/3; moderate scale operation continues to develop, with 3.41 million farmers with more than 50 mu and more than 350 million mu of cultivated land, accounting for 1/4 of the household contract area of cultivated land. The market for the transfer of land management rights has continued to develop. 1324 counties (districts and cities) and 17300 townships across the country have set up land transfer service centers; transfer disputes have been effectively mediated, and 2411 counties (districts and cities) have set up rural land contract arbitration committees. 91700 disputes over land transfer were mediated, accounting for 36.1% of the total disputes over land contract management.

If we say that land circulation is the basis of scale operation, land right registration is the foundation. On the basis of last year's provincial pilot projects in Shandong, Sichuan, and Anhui provinces, nine provinces, including Jiangsu, Jiangxi, and Hubei, were selected to expand the provincial pilot projects this year, while other provinces expanded the overall pilot projects with counties as units in the light of actual conditions. By the end of March, pilot projects had been carried out in 2065 counties (districts and cities) across the country, involving 15000 townships and 240000 villages, accounting for 73%, 42% and 40% of the counties, townships and villages respectively. The measured cultivated land area has been 290 million mu, and the right area is 220 million mu.

Due to the implementation of the policy in the village of Gaoqing County, Shandong Province, 700 villages have successfully completed the task of registering and issuing certificates. In Zhengmiao Village, Changjia Town, this reporter saw the land contract management certificate of villager Li Youming: 4.62 mu of contracted land, scattered in five parcels, and the name, code, measured area, and adjacent parcels' names and coordinates of each parcel were clearly marked. In the registration materials of the town economic management station for the record, there are not only the declaration of the representative of the head of household, the letter of confirmation, and the declaration of public no objection, but also a public photo, a copy of the identity card of the head of household and a copy of the household register, and so on.

The reporter learned that the registration of confirmed land rights did not increase the burden on farmers. All the funds for the registration and certification work shall be borne by the public finance at all levels, and no fees will be charged to the farmers. According to reports, this year, the Ministry of Agriculture, in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance, formulated the "Central Finance measures for the Administration of Grant funds for Registration and Certification of Rural Land contracted Management Rights," which clearly defined the subsidy objects, methods, standards, and time limits for the central government's special transfer payment funds. By the end of May, the central government had allocated 4.58 billion yuan in special subsidies in 2015, all of which had been allocated to provincial finance.

Give full play to the demonstration effect in the experimental area of rural reform

In November last year, 13 departments, including the Ministry of Agriculture, jointly approved the second batch of rural reform experimental areas and tasks, and identified 34 areas, including Tongzhou District, Beijing, as the second batch of rural reform experimental areas, and undertook 14 reform experimental tasks with nine first batch of rural reform experimental areas, including Yutian County, Hebei Province. At present, the number of experimental areas for rural reform under the new situation has reached 58, covering all the main areas of rural reform.

"the rural reform pilot area is a comprehensive platform for the central government to promote the pilot experiment of rural reform, in order to concentrate efforts, achieve breakthroughs in key areas, key links, and institutional mechanisms, and form reform experience that can be replicated and popularized." Zhang Tianzuo, director of the Department of Politics and Law of the Ministry of Agriculture, said that in the process of exploring and testing, the pilot area has constantly improved the system design based on local reality, and remarkable results have been achieved in some areas of exploration, and some practices have already played an exemplary effect.

In the aspect of establishing a modern rural financial system, the relevant experimental areas focus on supporting the development of agriculture and rural areas, and strive to solve the current problems in rural areas, such as financing difficulties, guarantee difficulties, weak financial services, insufficient financial aggregate, poor credit environment, and so on. the level of financial services for agriculture, rural areas and farmers has been significantly enhanced.

Chengdu City, Sichuan Province innovated the off-site price collection mechanism of third-party vegetables and explored vegetable price index insurance, an innovative agricultural insurance tool. Liao Bing, a large vegetable family in Banzhu Village, Longquanyi District, the city, took out vegetable price index insurance in the first batch. Liao Bing said that the previous agricultural insurance only compensated for losses caused by natural disasters and did not protect against price fluctuations. The Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Finance and the Committee of Agriculture jointly promoted the pilot project of vegetable price index insurance, agreeing on an off-land price for each vegetable as the insurance price. when the actual off-land price is lower than the insurance price, it is regarded as an accident, and the insurance company intervenes to fix the loss. it reassured the insured vegetable farmers.

In terms of the reform of the rural property rights system, the relevant experimental areas actively explore the effective realization forms of the collective economy, create conditions to broaden the channels of farmers' property income, and promote the reform of the rural collective property rights system in various forms. Fruitful exploration has been carried out in the establishment of property rights trading market and the demutualization reform of collective economic organizations. By innovating the management and protection mechanism of farmland and water conservancy projects in Dingyuan County, Anhui Province, six township water conservancy and aquatic products technical service centers have been set up, with the central station water conservancy staff, village-level water managers and water use association members as the main body. a four-level grass-roots water conservancy service system with the participation of county water conservancy departments, township central stations, village water managers, farmers and water users' associations.

Zhu Xinkai, an expert on agriculture, rural areas and farmers and a professor at Renmin University of China, conducted a follow-up survey in several experimental areas. He told reporters that it is necessary to carry out the reform of collective property rights in rural areas in accordance with the requirements of the modern property rights system and proceeding from reality. It is encouraged to proceed from reality and explore different forms and ways of developing joint-stock cooperation. For operating assets, the focus is to clarify the ownership of collective property rights, quantify the conversion of assets to the members of collective economic organizations, and explore the development of farmers' joint-stock cooperation. For non-operating assets, the focus is to explore the effective mechanism of collective unified operation and management, so as to better provide public welfare services for the members of collective economic organizations.

Rural Circulation Reform gets on the Internet Express

Not long ago, the unsalable 5 million kilograms of green onions in Qianxian County, Shaanxi Province attracted people's attention. "in the past, you could sell a maximum of 2 yuan per kilogram of green onions, but now no one wants to sell it for more than 10 cents!" Looking at the bundles of green onions at home, the villagers were as anxious as ants on a hot pot. This attracted the attention of supply and marketing cooperatives in Shaanxi Province, and they soon organized more than 40 "vegetable through trains" to drive to the area. After negotiation, the supply and marketing agency finally bought green onions at a price of 0.6 yuan per kilogram, set up a temporary direct sales store for green onions, and carried out joint online and offline sales through online sales channels, and soon the green onions of good quality and low price were sold out.

The circulation link connects social production and consumption, and the circulation efficiency is related to the vital interests of farmers. The transportation is inconvenient in many rural areas of our country, and the difficulty of circulation has become the bottleneck restricting the sale of agricultural products. At the same time, the business subjects providing social services in the field of rural circulation are generally scattered, and the service functions are relatively weak, so it is necessary to cultivate a systematic and large-scale economic organization in rural areas to assume responsibilities. Today, with the vigorous development of the Internet, the traditional offline circulation mode based on supermarkets and warehousing can no longer fully meet the needs of the market. All these mean that the rural circulation system is facing great changes.

The state has always attached great importance to the reform of rural circulation system. This year's Central Committee document No. 1 specifically mentioned the need to innovate the circulation of agricultural products, and proposed to support e-commerce, logistics, commerce, finance and other enterprises to participate in the construction of agriculture-related e-commerce platform. This has pointed out the direction for the reform of China's rural circulation system. In April this year, the "decision on deepening the Comprehensive Reform of supply and Marketing Cooperatives" announced by the State Council proposed to strengthen the construction of agricultural products circulation network of supply and marketing cooperatives, innovate circulation methods, and promote various forms of production and marketing docking. Comply with the new trend of profound changes in business models and consumption patterns, speed up the development of e-commerce in supply and marketing cooperatives, form an integrated operation of online transactions, warehousing and logistics, and terminal distribution, and achieve the integrated development of online and offline.

The reporter learned that the China Federation of supply and Marketing Cooperation has more than 300,000 integrated service agencies and more than 1 million operating service outlets, which is the main force in the field of agricultural circulation in China. According to Zou Tianjing, deputy director of the all-China Federation of supply and Marketing Cooperation, in the third quarter of this year, the supply and marketing cooperative will launch a national e-commerce platform to integrate the offline physical resources of the whole system as soon as possible, and turn the quantitative advantage of the network into the systematic advantage of the network.

To promote the reform of rural circulation system and speed up the development of rural e-commerce requires the joint efforts of many departments. According to Kong Lingyu, deputy director of the Market system Construction Department of the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Commerce, together with the Ministry of Finance, will actively adapt to the development trend of Internet informatization, promote the development of a new model of e-commerce in rural areas, and use the network to rebuild an upgraded version of "thousands of villages and townships." At the same time, we will continue to carry out a comprehensive demonstration of e-commerce in rural areas. in 2015, the financial funding reached 2 billion yuan, and the scope of support was expanded to the central, western and eastern regions, involving a total of 200 counties (districts and cities).