
What are the high quality varieties of wheat? How to raise seedlings?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Wheat is the raw material of many staple foods in people's life, and the planting area of our country is also very wide. The wheat varieties planted in each region should be judged according to the local climate. Here are some good wheat varieties. What varieties of wheat do you have?

Wheat is the raw material of many staple foods in people's life, and the planting area of our country is also very wide. The wheat varieties planted in each region should be judged according to the local climate. Here are some good wheat varieties.

What varieties of wheat do you have?

1. Jimai 38

The variety is a semi-winter, mid-early maturing variety, white grain, oval type. The plant height is about 75 cm, the ear spindle type, the number of ears per mu is generally 45-500000, the number of grains per ear is about 36, the 1000-grain weight is about 38 grams, the protein content is about 13.9% (dry basis), the sedimentation value is 18.5ml, and the bulk density is 770Mel 790g / liter. Drought resistance, saline-alkali resistance, high resistance to stripe, leaf rust, resistance to powdery mildew. The yield per hectare is about 7200 kg, and the highest yield per hectare in Hebei is 9465 kg / ha, which is suitable for planting in south-central Hebei, northern Henan, northwest Shandong, northern Jiangsu and northern Anhui.

two。 Miannong No. 6

Spring mid-early maturity varieties, medium tillering ability, luxuriant seedling stage, plant height of about 85 cm, plant height is more sensitive to the environment. Long awn, white shell, red grain, half-horny, ear layer neat, about 41 grains per panicle, 1000-grain weight about 44 grams. After identification, it was moderately resistant to stripe rust, highly susceptible to leaf rust, moderately susceptible to powdery mildew and susceptible to scab. Quality analysis showed that the bulk density was 752 g / L, the protein content was 11.3%, the wet gluten content was 19.5%, the sedimentation value was 18.2 ml, the water absorption rate was 58.2%, and the dough stability time was 1.4 minutes.

3. Huaimai 32

Huaimai 32 is a new wheat variety selected by Huaiyin Agricultural Science Research Institute in Xuhuai region of Jiangsu Province. this variety has compact plant type, good fruit setting, coordination of three factors of yield and outstanding high yield, so it is suitable for planting in Huaibei wheat area of Jiangsu Province.

Second, how to select wheat seeds?

There are several types of wheat varieties: spring, semi-winter and winter. in the northern region, varieties with strong cold resistance should be selected to ensure that winter wheat can survive the winter safely without freezing injury. In addition, the disease resistance and lodging resistance of wheat varieties should be considered.

Third, what are the methods of raising wheat seedlings?

1. Planting time

Wheat is divided into spring wheat and winter wheat, so it is doomed that the planting time of wheat is impassable. In North China, it is usually sown around November in winter, while in Northeast China, it is sown in March and April in spring. Because the northeast of our country will have a thick layer of snow before winter, and the temperature is very low, it is not suitable for the growth of wheat, so it is generally no longer planted in winter. Secondly, the climate in North China is relatively stable throughout the year. Multiple crop rotation can be carried out, so just wait for other crops to sow wheat in winter after the autumn harvest to prevent the land from being abandoned.

two。 Seed selection and soil preparation

Now the variety of wheat is not as simple as it used to be, so we can screen it. First of all, considering the local strange tiger and local soil conditions, we choose the most suitable variety, for example, in areas with less Rain Water, choose areas with strong drought resistance, in areas with poor soil, choose areas with strong adaptability, choose areas with cold resistance in relatively cold weather, and choose areas with strong disease resistance in rainy areas. So choose the best according to the specific situation. In order to ensure the growth and yield of wheat, when preparing the soil, it is necessary to turn at least 30 centimeters deep into the soil layer, and to fine the soil, fill the field, and then sprinkle 4,000 jin of farm manure, turn the land over again, stir the fertilizer evenly, and then set up a small ditch every other meter to 1.5 meters, ready for drainage and irrigation, and finally wait for sowing.

3. Rational sowing

Before sowing, we usually need to accelerate germination and mix the seeds. First, we soak the wheat seeds in water for two days, then fish them out, stir them in the medicament, rinse them with clean water after 20 minutes, wrap the seeds in cotton cloth and hang them up next to the water. After about three days, the seeds will germinate, and then they can be sown. There are several ways to sow seeds, and the most commonly used way is to sow in strips, that is, to make a small ditch at an interval of 30 centimeters between each row in the prepared land, then spread the seeds evenly in the ditch, and then cover the seeds with soil. Spreading should be more common in rural areas, so it will be relatively simple, as long as the planting is evenly scattered all over the field and then covered with seeds, and finally there is a more meticulous planting method, that is, a small hole is made at an interval of 30 centimeters between each row and each plant, and then sprinkle three to five seeds in each hole, and then cover the seeds and wait for seedlings.

4. Field management

When there is a thin layer of green in the wheat field, we can apply fertilizer and watering for the first time. Watering can be done at this time. The main way to apply fertilizer is to use urea to promote seedlings, to spread fertilizer directly, and to ease watering in water. The second fertilization is when the wheat seedlings are tillering, and the sprinkler irrigation is adopted at this time, so that the wheat seedlings will not be broken. At this time, we still use urea, but this time we need to apply 20 jin of phosphate fertilizer and 30 jin of compound fertilizer. Finally, when the wheat seedlings are heading, this is the critical moment to determine the wheat yield. We mainly apply phosphate fertilizer, potash fertilizer, boron fertilizer, and finally spray some non-toxic agents that are full of wheat grains.

5. Disease prevention

The most common disease before wheat planting is wheat lodging, which usually occurs when wheat is about to mature after heading. If large area lodging occurs at this time, then the yield and quality of wheat are not good. So in daily management, we need to remove water in time, and correctly use fertilizer and grasp the amount of fertilizer, as well as planting density. If one or two fallen seedlings appear in the field, chemical control is needed.

To sum up, there are some introductions of wheat. In fact, there are still many varieties of wheat. All we have to do is to choose the best according to the actual local conditions.

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