
Where can I sell September yellow seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, I don't know if you have ever eaten September yellow, but it is still wild in some rural areas. This fruit has certain medicinal effects and has many benefits to the human body. At present, some farmers will choose to grow and eat it at home. So where can I sell September yellow seeds? Nurture seedling prescription

I don't know if you have ever eaten September yellow, but it is still wild in some rural areas. This fruit has certain medicinal effects and has many benefits to the human body. At present, some farmers will choose to grow and eat it at home. So where can I sell September yellow seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings? Friends who want to know will be clear after reading the following article.

First, where can I sell yellow seeds in September?

Seeds of fruits such as September Yellow are sold in many places, and a more convenient way is to buy them online. E-commerce platforms such as, Taobao and Nongxun are all good choices. If you are worried about not being able to buy authentic seeds, you can also choose to buy them from seed companies and production enterprises in various producing areas, which is more secure.

Second, what are the breeding methods of September yellow?

1. Land selection and preparation

The selection of mountain or woodland for sowing seedlings or hole sowing can make full use of the advantages of woodland organic matter content, fertility, buffering capacity to temperature and water and soil physical and chemical properties better than farmland soil. Deforestation cultivation should be carried out one year before sowing, and it is very beneficial to fully decompose organic matter and increase soil available nutrients, to improve soil physical and chemical properties, to coordinate the ratio of soil solid, liquid and gas, to eliminate disease sources and pests, and to promote growth. Choose east or south sunny slope, the slope is about 15b, sandy loam is better. Dig trenches to make the border, border width 115cm, ditch width 40cm, ditch depth 60cm; disinfect the soil with 70% mancozeb powder 715kg# hm- 2, improve the soil with a small amount of river sand or cinder, apply 3 kg of rotten pig manure, cow manure, horse manure and cake fertilizer, and irrigate the ditch after mixing with the soil.

2. Scaffolding climbing

September yellow is a tangled climbing vine. Camellia oleifera, citrus or small tree species with obvious slow-growing characteristics were selected as climbing frames, and the living climbers were trimmed and intercropped with September yellow according to 3m row spacing. The artificial climbing bracket can be made of double rows of cement columns (specification: 10cm @ 10cm @ 250cm or 10cm @ 15cm @ 270cm, with horizontal strips connecting the two cement columns) or double rows of wood (10 ~ 15cm in diameter), with a vertical row of columns every 4 ~ 6m. The row columns are buried in the ground for 50 ~ 70cm, and every 50cm is high, drawing a horizontal galvanized iron wire to form a high single hedge. At the end of April (around Lesser Fullness of Grain), the first galvanized iron wire was drawn from the stem and vine with a small bamboo pole of 50cm; at the end of May (around the Summer Solstice), the stem and vine was tied to the second wire; and in late July (around the Beginning of Autumn), the small stem vine that had been tangled with each other on the second wire was cut off. The scaffolding should be built according to the topography, and the working path should be kept.

3. Selection and sowing

September yellow uses more seeds to propagate, and it can also be propagated by cuttings. It takes 3 years from sowing to harvest, 1 year for stem and rattan vegetative growth, 2 ~ 3 years to blossom and bear fruit. At the end of the third year, stems, vines and fruits were harvested every year for use in medicine. Seed selection and seed treatment: September yellow seeds mature at the end of September, and soft ripening or open fruits are selected in the first and middle of October. The picked berries were washed and scrubbed off the pulp in time, and the seeds were stored at room temperature from October to November for 30 ~ 35 days with moist river sand (seed B river sand = 1B4, humidity kneaded by hand and loose hands), so that the seeds could complete morphological post-ripening and stratified germination. After the seed embryo breaks through the seed coat and the seed bud can be seen, sow on a sunny day.

4. Seedling land management

After the seedlings are unearthed, the cover weeds should be removed in time, and weeds and seedlings should be removed. After the first true leaf was fully developed, the seedlings were determined according to the plant distance 6cm, and topdressing for 1 ~ 2 times, and urea or compound fertilizer 300kg# hm- 2 was applied. Timely irrigation and drainage, drought watering, rain and waterlogging drainage. Diseases and insect pests in seedling stage are mainly caused by red body leafhopper, which should be controlled in time, otherwise it will lead to stem and rattan shortening. Control methods: in sunny days, insecticides such as trichlorfon and enemy kill can effectively control the damage of red-body leafhopper. The dosage of trichlorfon: 450g# hm- 2, water 10kg spray every 10 g, trichlorfon dosage: 135mL# hm- 2, water 10kg spray per 6mL. It can be controlled 1 ~ 2 times in a row.

September yellow taste is still good, mainly because of its high nutritional value, many people like to buy and eat. If you also plan to plant September yellow, you can choose to go to seed companies and production enterprises in various producing areas to buy high-quality seeds. In addition, some of the above breeding methods can also be used for reference.

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