
How many mulberries are appropriate to eat a day? How to make mulberry wine?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Speaking of mulberry, it is estimated that many people have eaten it, especially friends living in rural areas can try to eat wild mulberry, the taste is sweet, there is also a lot of moisture, used to soak wine and drink is the choice of many people. How many mulberries are appropriate to eat a day? How to make mulberry

Speaking of mulberry, it is estimated that many people have eaten it, especially friends living in rural areas can try to eat wild mulberry, the taste is sweet, there is also a lot of moisture, used to soak wine and drink is the choice of many people. How many mulberries are appropriate to eat a day? How to make mulberry wine? Friends who want to know, please read the following!

First, how many mulberries should be eaten in a day?

Mulberry tastes good, but we can not eat too much, because the mulberry is cold, so we should eat some right amount, generally eat about 30 is more appropriate, for some people whose intestines and stomach are not very good, it is better not to eat, otherwise the intestines and stomach will be uncomfortable.

Second, how to make mulberry wine?

1, after the purchase of fresh mulberry, clean it, soak the mulberry with salt or baking soda can achieve the role of sterilization to pesticide residues.

2. Fill a small basin with clean water, put the washed mulberries into the basin, sprinkle some starch, and soak for a few minutes. Starch can play a good role in disinfection and decontamination, and wash it with water after soaking.

3. Drain the treated mulberries and put them into a liquor jar. At the same time, add a small amount of broken rock sugar and Chinese wolfberry. Pure fruit wine will taste a little astringent, rock sugar can well ease the astringent taste, according to their own taste to add oh, do not like particularly sweet can add a little less.

4. Seal the jar and store it, soak it for about a month or two, filter out the mulberry residue in the wine with gauze, and you can drink it!

Third, the efficacy of mulberry wine

Mulberry wine has the function of tonifying liver and kidney, nourishing blood and eyesight, promoting diuresis and detumescence. It has dietotherapy effect on blurred vision, tinnitus and deafness, early whitening of hair, hearing loss, dry mouth and tongue, swollen legs and feet, and adverse urination. In addition, mulberry wine and mulberry dry red wine are rich in anthocyanins, resveratrol, amino acids, vitamins and other bioactive components and nutrients.

The main results are as follows: 1. The fatty acids in mulberry wine can decompose fat, reduce blood lipids, prevent vascular hardening and enhance vascular toughness.

2. Mulberry wine contains aconitine, which can make hair black and shiny.

3. Mulberry wine can improve the blood supply of skin (including scalp), nourish skin, make skin white and tender, and delay aging.

4. Mulberry wine has the effect of immune promotion and can prevent and fight cancer.

5. Mulberry wine mainly enters the liver and kidney, is good at nourishing yin and nourishing blood, nourishing fluid and moistening dryness, and is suitable for deficiency of liver and kidney yin and blood, deficiency of body fluid and thirst, intestinal dryness and so on.

6. Often drinking mulberry wine can clear your eyes and relieve the symptoms of eye fatigue and dryness.

After reading the above, you can understand that it is more appropriate to eat about 30 mulberries a day, and people with bad intestines and stomach are not suitable to eat. If you also like to drink, you can try to use mulberry wine, not only taste good, but also a lot of efficacy, we think this article is good to collect.

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