
How to collect strawberry seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Strawberry is one of our common fruits, sour, sweet and delicious, nutritious, favored by many consumers. Now there are many farmers planting strawberries, and the quality of strawberry seedlings is directly related to the survival rate of strawberries after planting, and affects the yield and products of strawberries.

Strawberry is one of our common fruits, sour, sweet and delicious, nutritious, favored by many consumers. Now there are many farmers planting strawberries, and the quality of strawberry seedlings is directly related to the survival rate of strawberries after planting, and affects the yield and quality of strawberries, so strawberry seedling is very critical. So how to collect strawberry seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings? Next, let's have a look with the editor.

First, how to collect strawberry seeds?

Method 1: cut off a thin layer of strawberry skin with seeds with a knife, then spread it on paper, film, or other movable surface, and place it in a place with direct sunlight. After drying, the pericarp loses moisture, the ability to absorb seeds decreases, and you can gently peel off a seed with your hands.

Method 2: cut off the pericarp with seeds with a knife and put it into a glass, ceramic and other non-metallic container for fermentation. after 2 or 3 days, pour the water into the container, stir with chopsticks or sticks, and rest for a period of time. When the seed sinks to the bottom, pour out the upper layer of water and repeat it for 2 to 3 times to wash off the gum fermented from the pulp. After the seeds are washed, take them to dry.

What are the seedling methods of strawberries?

1. Raising seedlings in high mountains

Is to raise seedlings in high and cold areas above 800 meters above sea level. The higher the altitude is, the lower the temperature in summer is. Raising seedlings here is beneficial to the growth and development of nutritious seedlings, strong vitality, good root system, strong seedlings and full flower bud differentiation. The nursery should select the area where strawberries have not been planted, apply sufficient base fertilizer, and select robust seedlings as mother plants to prepare for planting after soil preparation. The cultivation distance of mother plants in the nursery is 40 cm × 80 cm. When the temperature reaches 18-20 ℃, the seedlings can be transferred and planted. After planting, a large number of stolon seedlings can occur from June to July, flower bud differentiation can be carried out in August, and seedlings can be planted in the mountain in late September every year. Generally, the mother plant can be used continuously for 2 ~ 3 years, and the mother plant can produce more new roots from the second year. In May, the new stem should be cultivated in combination with fertilization to promote the mother plant to continue to grow vigorously, so as to increase the number of stolon seedlings.

2. Pseudo-planting and raising seedlings

Pseudo-planting is to dig out the stolon seedlings of the mother plant in the breeding nursery for pseudo-planting. The promotion of cultivation requires the application of high-quality seedlings that can prolong the delivery period. This kind of high-quality seedling is the best among the nutritious seedlings that have been pseudo-planted. The suitable period for pseudo-planting and raising seedlings is from the end of August to the beginning of September. The row spacing is 15 cm × 18 cm. When the vegetative seedlings are pseudo-planted, they should be transplanted with soil and planted separately according to the size and strength of the seedlings, so as to facilitate the management. After pseudo-planting, it should be fully watered to avoid slow seedlings. In case of strong sunshine, drought and high temperature, it should be properly shaded and cooled during the day.

After survival, the shade is removed. Generally, about 15 days after pseudo-planting, the nutritious seedlings can resume growth. The fake seedlings should be carefully managed, ploughing and weeding, topdressing and watering should be carried out in time, and withered and diseased leaves should be removed at the right time. In the early stage, quick-acting compound fertilizer was applied every 10 days or so, and only phosphorus and potassium fertilizer was applied in the later stage, and watering was controlled to promote flower bud differentiation and robust growth of vegetative seedlings. The seedling period of pseudo-planting takes 50-60 days, and the root system is aging after more than 60 days, so it is easy to form aging seedlings. Therefore, the period of artificial planting should be 50-60 days before local colonization. The period from late September to early October is the flower bud formation period of pseudo-planting seedlings, so stolons should be removed in time to promote flower bud formation. By the middle of October, ideal high-quality strong seedlings can be cultivated for transplanting.

3. Raising seedlings in plastic pots

Plastic pot seedling cultivation of strawberry is a new seedling raising method adopted in Japan in recent years. This seedling raising method, with simple management technology, can promote the flower bud differentiation of seedlings, bear fruit earlier, reduce the labor of seedling propagation, and reduce the obstacles of strawberry continuous cropping for many years and increase the yield to a certain extent. Generally, a black round 12 cm diameter plastic basin is used, which is filled with 750g of loose nutrient soil free of diseases and insect pests, and the pH of the soil should be between 6.5g and 6.8.When the soil is loaded, the seedlings should be moved into the basin from June to August. generally starting from the first and middle of June, the rooting seedlings with 2-3 leaves will be moved to the basin one after another, and the new stem ramet seedlings after rooting can also be put into the basin. In the first ten days of August, the seedlings cultivated in the seedling bed were mainly changed into squatting seedlings and pots.

After the seedlings are put on the pot, they should be watered once a day before July, and the watering times can be reduced appropriately after August. Topdressing should use liquid fertilizer of compound fertilizer, topdressing once every 7-10 days from July to August, topdressing 400 times as much as 600 times the three-element liquid fertilizer in each pot. The use of nitrogen fertilizer should be stopped before flower bud differentiation, only phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be used every 7 days or so to promote flower bud differentiation and can be planted in autumn. Promote the cultivation of the most suitable for the use of plastic basin seedlings, this kind of seedlings after planting, rapid growth and development, early fruit, strawberry fruit can be harvested in December.

The above is the introduction of strawberries. There are many ways to raise strawberries. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Farmers can choose according to their own actual situation, soil, climate and so on, in order to achieve the goal of high yield.

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