
How to select sugarcane seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Sugarcane tastes sweet, mainly because of the moisture, which most people like to eat. Many farmers will grow sugarcane to eat, so how to choose sugarcane seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings? Friends who want to know, please read the following! I. Gan

Sugarcane tastes sweet, mainly because of the moisture, which most people like to eat. Many farmers will grow sugarcane to eat, so how to choose sugarcane seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings? Friends who want to know, please read the following!

First, how to select sugarcane seeds?

1. Select seeds with high quality, high yield, strong disease resistance, good taste and good adaptability. Sugarcane should be selected with thick shoots, thick stems, wide green leaves, uniform crack-free and pest-free sugarcane shoots. Avoid using sugarcane shoots with diseases and insect pests.

2. Select seeds with plumpness, no damage, double buds and no diseases and insect pests and soak them in 2% lime water or water for 1 to 2 days to achieve the effect of eliminating diseases and insect pests and improving the drought resistance of sugarcane varieties.

What are the seedling raising methods of sugarcane seeds?

1. Raising seedlings in greenhouse

(1) make up the seedbed

Planting sugarcane should choose sandy soil with convenient drainage and irrigation, leeward and sunny sandy soil, and first irrigate the land, then carry out deep ploughing and open the bed, and cover it with a thin layer of soil after using sufficient base fertilizer, and the width and spacing of the border should be determined according to the specific seedling raising methods, which is convenient for later management.

(2) seed bud treatment

Using sugarcane to raise seedlings, generally do not need to be cut off in the seedling stage, and then cut off when the seedlings need to be transplanted. If the loss of sugarcane buds is relatively serious in the process of seedling cultivation, the sugarcane should be divided into 2-3 bud segments, soaked in 2% raw lime water or 50% ammonium zinc 400 times solution, and the soaking time is about 10-14 hours. When the sprouts reach the standard, they can be transplanted and sown.

(3) transplanting sugarcane species

First of all, the whole seedlings should be arranged neatly, the buds should be placed horizontally, and the interval of each sugarcane species is about 2cm. After the sugarcane seeds are arranged neatly, both ends can be fixed with wet soil and sprayed with 1% lime water to cover a layer of fine soil with a thickness of about 2cm.

(4) temperature regulation and water control

The temperature needed for sugarcane during seedling raising is about 20-30 ℃. If it is higher than 35 ℃, it needs to be cooled down. Such as uncovering the film or dripping water and so on. Keep it warm if the temperature is below 15 ℃, and cover it with a straw curtain on a cold night. During the germination of sugarcane, it is necessary to keep the soil moist and water in time according to the moisture of the soil. if the water content of sugarcane is less than 50%, it will affect the germination rate of sugarcane.

(5) transplanting with broken stems.

When the sugarcane seedling grows to 3-5 leaf age, it is necessary to start the seedling and cut off the stem. If you want to achieve high yield, you need to wait until the 6-7 leaves of sugarcane seedlings tiller before transplanting.

2. Raising seedlings in plastic arch shed

(1) cover the film

After sowing, cover it with a layer of plastic film, and before covering the film, insert a long piece of bamboo on the seedbed, bend the bamboo piece into an arch as a support, then cover the film, press the edge of the greenhouse film around with wet soil, and cover it with a layer of grass curtain to ensure that the temperature can rise quickly, which is beneficial to raise the soil temperature and promote seed germination.

(2) seedbed

The temperature in the greenhouse is controlled in real time. If the temperature in the greenhouse is higher than 35 ℃, it will damage the sugarcane seedlings. The method of watering or uncovering the film can be used to drench water in time and evenly when dripping water. The phenomenon of drought in edge waterlogging is easy to appear in the seedling bed after plastic film mulching. It is not only necessary to control the amount of water to keep the seedling bed moist, but also to spray urea water to lift seedlings properly to prevent the emergence of yellow and weak seedlings.

(3) Refining seedlings

In order to allow the sugarcane seedlings to adapt to the external environment, the film can be opened appropriately at noon to allow the sugarcane seedlings to adapt gradually. The time of seedling refining should be controlled after 2-3 leaves of the seedling.

That's all the editor wants to share with you today. Sugarcane can be planted soon. It is necessary for everyone to choose seeds with high quality, high yield, strong disease resistance, good taste and good adaptability when buying seeds. If you do not know how to raise seedlings, you can also learn the methods mentioned above. I hope this article can help you.

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