
How to choose orange seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, At present, there are many varieties of oranges planted in our country, and oranges in many areas have become local characteristic agricultural products. Let's learn how to choose oranges together. What are the methods of raising seedlings? Friends who want to grow oranges come here. How to choose oranges

At present, there are many varieties of oranges planted in our country, and oranges in many areas have become local characteristic agricultural products. Let's learn how to choose oranges together. What are the methods of raising seedlings? Friends who want to grow oranges come here.

First, how to select oranges?

1. Navel orange

Navel oranges are suitable for fresh food. The main feature is that there is a conical accessory fruit in the fruit, which is characterized by a navel at the top of the fruit, that is, a small underdeveloped fruit is embedded at the top of the fruit. Seedless, crisp and tender meat, sweet and sour taste. Gannan navel orange is a variant of navel orange. The fruit is larger than ordinary oranges, generally seedless, parthenocarpy, and easier to peel off.

two。 Ice sugar orange

Bingtang Orange, also known as Bingtang Orange, originated in Qianyang County, Hunan Province (now Hongjiang City). Bingtang Orange is very popular in the market because of its excellent variety, strong and sweet taste, thin peel, non-stuffed teeth, crisp and tender meat, etc. It is the variation of local common sweet orange, which is cultivated more in Hunan and a small amount in Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou, Yunnan and Liangguang.

3. Sweet orange

The fruit is generally round, red flesh navel orange fruit character, orange, fruit top without navel, or there is a ring mark. Sugar orange is also called acid-free sweet orange, and its fruit shape is similar to that of ordinary sweet orange. Due to the extremely low acid content, the fruit juice can be harvested and listed on the market when the juice content reaches an appropriate level. it is a very precocious sweet orange variety.

4. Blood orange

The flesh and juice of blood orange are all purplish red or dark red. The flesh is tender and juicy and has a special fragrance. it is a variety of orange, but it is generally smaller than orange. It is mainly named because the pulp and juice are red because they contain anthocyanins. Blood orange has a smooth skin, smaller than an ordinary orange, usually with small concave spots, and the color is red.

Second, what are the methods of raising oranges?

1. Sowing quantity

There are more than 2000 orange seeds per jin. Because the seeds are polyembryonic and may send out 2 or more buds, it is possible to produce more than the number of seedlings per jin of seeds. Of course, this is only possible in theory, but in practice it is subject to various conditions. generally, when sowing in winter, it can grow up to about 2000 seedlings per jin, while sowing in spring can produce 2500 seedlings per jin. This is because overwintering sowing may encounter low temperature chilling injury, affecting the emergence rate and seedling rate. If the overwintering sowing uses the greenhouse facility to raise the seedling, or the small arch greenhouse covers the seedling, it can improve the sowing quality and the emergence rate. The soil quality and management level of the nursery bed have a great impact on the emergence rate. Many nursery households will cause serious losses because of the seedbed and management problems, and the emergence rate may be less than 50%, or even lower.

two。 Sowing at the right time

Orange rootstocks can be sown in autumn, winter and spring, but they should be cautious in summer. The temperature is high and the sunshine is strong in summer, which is easy to cause high temperature damage and affect the normal growth of seedlings. Seed soaking and disinfection should be carried out before sowing. At the same time, soaking seeds for 2 hours can increase the germination rate and reduce seed loss. Fresh seeds can be sown in areas where the average temperature in winter is not low and the frost-free period is long. The fresh seeds can be sown after drying the surface moisture. Sowing fresh seeds in autumn can prolong the growth time and early grafting. Sowing density, 100-150 jin per mu. Many farmers do not pay much attention to sparse sowing and uniform sowing, grab a handful and sow it casually, resulting in uneven density of seeds, which will not only affect the quality of seedlings, but also cause seed waste. In order to sow evenly, sowing should be weighed separately. For example, if a piece of land has a 10-car seedbed, the seeds can be divided into 10 equal parts before sowing, and one part can be sowed in each box, and the first part can be subdivided into 2 equal parts, which can be sowed back and forth twice in the same seedling bed, so it is easy to spread evenly.

3. Post-broadcast management

Greenhouse mulching cultivation can be beneficial to the healthy growth of overwintering seedlings. There are two kinds of plastic greenhouses: steel greenhouse and bamboo greenhouse. In order to improve the temperature of seedling bed, the method of covering small shed in greenhouse and covering plastic film can be adopted to improve the environmental temperature of seedling growth. If there is no facility coverage, after sowing in autumn, winter and spring, it is necessary to cover the plastic film for heat preservation and moisturization to promote its germination and growth. After one year of growth, the average plant height can reach 30ml 50cm, and the seedling diameter can reach 4mm; in the second year, the plant height can reach 70Me 80cm, with a diameter of about 8mm. Seedlings about 80 cm thick, 40 cm high transplanting is the best.

To sum up, it is all about orange seed nursery. Let's see what you need to learn more. Friends who want to buy seedlings can click on the link below.

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