
Where do melon seeds sell? How to grow seedlings?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Dagua is a variety of watermelon, belonging to the watermelon type, named for punching and eating and containing more seeds, mainly produced in Lanzhou. Melon seeds are rich in nutrients and are delicious food loved by many people. So where do you sell melon seeds? How to raise seedlings?

Tapping melon is a variety of watermelon, which belongs to the type of watermelon. It gets its name because of its punching and high seed content. It is mainly produced in Lanzhou. Melon seeds are rich in nutrients and are a favorite delicious food for many people. So where can I sell melon seeds? How to raise seedlings? Let's get to know it.

Where can I sell melon seeds?

Melon seeds are generally available only in the producing area, and it is difficult to see it in seed shops in other areas. Melon producing areas are Lanzhou, Hexi Minqin, Gulang, Yongchang and other counties, Ta'e Basin in Tacheng area, Xinjiang, Tongliao City in Northeast and Inner Mongolia, Chifeng City, Susong County in Anhui Province, and Jilin. If you want to buy melon seeds in Jilin area, you can go to Tongyu County, Baicheng City, Jilin Province (Wulanhua Town, Xinglongshan Town), because it is a specialty and rich production area. If it's for planting, you'd better go there in person. If it is for consumption, then there should be some in the agricultural and sideline products shopping malls (stores) in Jilin City.

How to raise seedlings by beating melons?

1. Land selection and preparation

It is appropriate to select the land that has not planted eggplant fruit crops within 4 years, especially the land that has not planted melons, soil preparation requires broken soil, horizon and no grass roots, in order to prevent drip irrigation belt, plastic film damage and affect drip water quality, and the land should be ploughed deeply, the deeply ploughed land is large, and the yield is high.

2. Seed preparation

Artificial seed selection was carried out before sowing, and unqualified seeds such as flower flakes, warping slices and hemp slices were removed, and the seeds could be sown without treatment, but seed coating could reduce diseases and insect pests, and some treated seeds could also achieve the effect of early emergence and cultivation of strong seedlings.

3. Sowing management

When the soil temperature of 5cm reaches 13 ℃, the ground temperature of 5cm can be sowed at 10 ℃, using 90cm narrow film, one film, one tube and two rows, film spacing 65cm, plant spacing 20cm. Sowing seeds on demand on the film requires that the sowing end is straight, the seed is uniform, the sowing depth and the thickness of the covering soil are the same.

4. Seedling stage management

The main task of field management of seed melon at seedling stage is to strive to achieve complete seedling, whole seedling and strong seedling. When the seed melon seedlings grow 2-4 true leaves, the interstitial and fixed seedlings are completed at one time, in principle, the weak leaves remain strong, the disease remains strong, the single plant remains, and two plants can be left where the seedlings are missing. The number of seedling preservation plants is about 3 800 / 667 m2.

5. Watering and fertilization

In order to ensure the seedling emergence of seed melon in the field is neat and consistent, the spreading period can be controlled by the regulation of water and fertilizer. The amount of dripping water at the early stage of vine extension after rosette stage is generally 25 m ~ 2 × 667m ~ 2. When fertilized with water, urea is applied with 5 kg/667 m ~ 2, which can take 150g / m ~ 2 with potassium dihydrogen phosphate.

6. Disease prevention and weeding

If the humidity in the field is high or the temperature is more than 30 ℃, carbendazim or thiophanate methyl can be used to prevent Fusarium wilt of seed melon. After watering during the extension period, start the second round of weeding, which can be manually pulled out or sprayed with herbicides, and must not be sprayed in windy weather to avoid drug damage caused by drug drift.

Beating melons, different from ordinary watermelons, is not for eating flesh, but for eating seeds. The watermelon seeds that you usually buy are picked out of the melon and then processed. However, melon has higher requirements for the environment, not all areas can be planted, we must know whether the local is suitable before planting.

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