
Where can I sell mallow seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Mallow is a biennial or perennial erect herb. Like okra and hollyhock, it is a typical representative plant in the genus of Malvaceae. When mallow blossoms, the flowers are purplish red or white, mainly for ornamental gardens, and besides ornamental, mallow also has a certain medicinal price.

Malva is a biennial or perennial erect herb, like okra and hollyhock, which is a typical representative plant of Malvaceae. When mallow blooms, the flowers are purple or white, mainly for garden viewing, and in addition to viewing, mallow also has certain medicinal value, so it is now widely planted. So where do you sell mallow seeds? What are the breeding methods? Let's get to know each other.

Where are the seeds sold?

Malva is cultivated in all parts of the north and south of China, from Guangdong and Guangxi in the south to Inner Mongolia and Liaoning in the north. Therefore, there are still many places where malva seeds can be bought. Basically, there are local planting merchants, so everyone can go to the base to find seeds. In addition, you can also buy seeds online or in large flower markets. Of course, it is best to plant mallow at home. You can collect them yourself.

What are the breeding methods?

1. Sowing seedlings

Malva seeds need to be baked by fire to burst the shell, so that moisture can penetrate into the seed, the bud will come out. Malva is also generally propagated by seeds, usually sown in autumn (early September) or early spring (late March to late April). When sowing, try not to choose soil with too strong acidity. Secondly, due to the large plant size, attention should be paid to fertilizer and water management.

2, seedling method

Mainly divided into flowerpot seedlings and open field seedlings two kinds. One of the open field seedlings should be the substrate after leaching, the seeds evenly scattered on the substrate, and then covered with soil about one centimeter, need to pay attention to keep the soil moist, but not waterlogging water. Spring sowing is generally planted in May, flowering in June, autumn sowing is generally planted in early November.

3. Seedling management

1) Fertilization and watering: Malva enters the growth period from May, applies nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer 1-2 times, blooms continuously from June to October, and applies phosphorus-based fertilizer 1-2 times a month to make flowers bloom continuously. Watering follows the principle of "no watering, no watering". In winter and summer, water should be properly controlled to keep the soil slightly dry.

2) Light: Malva likes sufficient light, even in midsummer, there is no need to shade, but it is necessary to spray water frequently to ensure ventilation.

3) Temperature: Malva growth temperature of 18℃ to 25℃, after winter should be timely moved into the room, placed in a sunny warm place, keep the indoor temperature of 3-5℃.

4. Pest control

Common diseases are coal pollution disease, daily attention to ventilation, light transmission, when sick available 50% Tuijunte 1000 times liquid spray treatment. Common pests aphids and scale insects, daily available 25% kung fu EC 2000 times liquid, 10% omethoate 2000 times liquid spray kill.

Malva adaptability, in a variety of soil can grow, not only suitable for flower bed landscaping, but also suitable for planting in gardens or potted plants and other places. The flowering period of mallow can be maintained from June to October, but the key is to do a good job in seedling management and daily maintenance.

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