
How to choose the seeds of cinnamon tree? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Speaking of cinnamon, we all know that it is a good food spice or cooking seasoning, especially when making chicken with some taste will be very good. Some people also plant cinnamon trees specially. So how to choose the seeds of cinnamon tree? The methods of raising seedlings are

Speaking of cinnamon, it is known to be a good food spice or cooking condiment, especially when cooking chicken. Some people also plant cinnamon trees. So how do you select cinnamon tree seeds? What are the breeding methods? Next, let's talk about it in detail!

How do you select the seeds of cinnamon tree?

Select the seeds of mature cinnamon trees which grow rapidly, grow vigorously, have straight trunks, have no diseases and insect pests, and are more than 15 years old. At the same time, select the plants with sweet and spicy taste, strong aroma, thick skin and more oil and high yield as seed mother trees. Cinnamon blossoms in May and June every year, and the fruits gradually mature in February and March of the following year. When the appearance of the fruit changes from cyan to light cyan, light red to purple black, the peel becomes soft and emits fragrance, it means that the fruit is fully ripe. If it is not harvested, the fruit will fall off by itself and be easy for birds and animals to peck. Therefore, it is necessary to organize the harvest in time.

2. Seedling raising method of Cinnamomum cassia seeds

1. Land selection and preparation

Cinnamomum cassia is a deep-rooted tree species. It is best to select yellow soil with deep soil, loose texture and good drainage. It is not suitable to breed and seedling in soil with high water level and sandy content under trees. Land preparation should be fully ploughed and sun-dried. After sun-drying the topsoil, the ridge width should be 1.2 meters, the ditch width should be 40 cm, the soil blocks should be broken, and the harrow should be leveled.

2. Seed treatment

From February to March, cinnamon seeds can be harvested in batches when their pericarp is purple-black. The recovered fresh fruit should be placed in the pool to wash off the peel and pulp, and then picked up to dry the surface moisture can be sown. Seeds should not be exposed to the sun and long-term long-term, such as the market to buy fresh and plump fruit, buy immediately wash treatment, dry the ground.

3. Sowing method

About 50 kg per mu of land can be sown or sown. The seed spacing is about 6 cm. After sowing, cover the surface with a thin layer of soil. After watering, cover it directly with fern.

4. Seedling management

After 20 days of sowing, the seedlings grow 6 cm high, which can be removed to build a shade shed about 1.2 meters high. After 30 days, when the leaflets of the seedlings are as big as fingers, potassium dihydrogen phosphate foliar fertilizer can be sprayed, and then every 15 days. It can also be sprayed together with pesticides and fungicides. After 80 days, when the seedlings grow 5 ~6 leaflets, 50 kg compound fertilizer can be applied per mu. After the winter solstice, when the seedlings grow to 30 cm ~35 cm high, the scaffolding can be removed, the water and fertilizer can be controlled to dry the seedlings, and the leaf tips can be dried until the old mature wax yellow, so as to ensure a high survival rate when transplanting in February ~ March of the next year.

Well, the above is all the content that Xiaobian wants to share with you. The demand for cinnamon in the market is still quite large. Friends who want to plant it can learn the seed selection and seedling method of cinnamon above. I hope this article can bring you help.

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