
How to choose mulberry seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Mulberry is now a rich tree species in many areas. the mulberry fruit is rich in nutrition, unique taste and high market price. If you want to plant mulberry now, how to choose mulberry seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings? Let's learn about it. Mulberry tree

Mulberry is now a rich tree species in many areas. the mulberry fruit is rich in nutrition, unique taste and high market price. If you want to plant mulberry now, how to choose mulberry seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings? Let's learn about it.

How to choose mulberry seeds?

1. Select mulberry varieties that have passed the examination and are suitable for planting in this area.

2. Pay attention to seed packaging information, such as seed category, variety name, place of origin, production date, quality index, quarantine certificate number, seed production and management license number, etc.

3. Select high-quality seeds with dry surface, full individual, fresh seed coat and no moisture attachment.

4, do not buy unknown sources, three no seeds, purchase invoices, and properly keep invoices and seed bags.

What are the methods of raising mulberry seedlings?

1. Sowing and raising seedlings

At present, many methods are used in seed sowing, and the sowing time is generally carried out in spring and summer every year. Generally speaking, the seeds can be picked directly from mulberries with high maturity, the seeds are taken out, the pulp on the seeds is cleaned, and the water is drained after washing, so that the seeds can be planted. It is best to plant fresh seeds directly, so that there is a higher chance of emergence. In addition, it is best to accelerate the germination of seeds, so that the germination time of seeds can be advanced. Soak mulberry seeds in clean water for about 24 hours, take out the seeds and place them on wet sand or wet towels. Keep the temperature at about 25 degrees and keep ventilated. In general, mulberry seeds can be seen to sprout in about a week, and then they can be planted.

2. Cuttage seedling

The cutting propagation is generally carried out in summer, and the semi-lignified branches of mulberry are selected for cutting. The length of the cuttings is about 15 centimeters. Just keep the top two leaves to reduce nutrient loss. The fine sand used by the cuttings can be used as the substrate, and the substrate needs to be kept at a depth of about 20 centimeters, and the substrate needs to be sterilized before use. Cuttings can be properly dipped in rooting liquid, cuttings should not be too hard to avoid matrix abrasion, cuttings are generally inserted 1/3 to 2/3 depth. After that, pay attention to keep the moisture of the substrate, in addition, the temperature is high in summer, so it is necessary to do a good job of temperature control to avoid the high temperature of the cutting environment. Generally, cuttings can take root in about three weeks, but the growth of cuttings is not stable enough at this time. It is best to transplant cuttings after six weeks.

3. Grafting and raising seedlings

Mulberry grafting can promote mulberry to enter the fruiting stage earlier, and can play a role in improving tree varieties. Mulberry is generally grafted in spring every year, and there are many methods of grafting, such as abdominal grafting, bag grafting, bud grafting and so on. This paper introduces a more commonly used grafting method-sawing pile bud grafting method, this method is a bit rough, but it is still used more. First of all, dig up the soil at the bottom of the mulberry tree, all the way to the root neck of the mulberry tree, that is, the green and yellow junction of the mulberry trunk, then cut it open with a sharp knife, poke away the mulberry bark at the cut and insert the buds. After that, fasten it with a plastic belt to avoid the rain.

Mulberry is a kind of native tree in our country, and it has a long history of planting in our country. The role of mulberry is also very extensive, many places in the south have the habit of planting mulberry and sericulture, mulberry has been planted in some parts of our country. Do you have anything to add about mulberry trees?

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