
How to choose the seeds of Radix Glehniae? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In the rural slopes and wasteland often see a variety of plants, many plants have certain medicinal effects, used in medicine, such as the root of Radix Glehniae has a lot of efficacy, can nourish yin and clear lungs, expectorant and cough. Mainly for the treatment of lung dryness and cough, fever injury, thirst and other diseases

In the rural slopes and wasteland often see a variety of plants, many plants have certain medicinal effects, used in medicine, such as the root of Radix Glehniae has a lot of efficacy, can nourish yin and clear lungs, expectorant and cough. It mainly treats symptoms such as lung dryness and cough, fever, thirst and so on. If you plan to plant Radix Glehniae, how to choose its seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings? Friends who want to know, please read the following!

First, how to select the seeds of Radix Glehniae?

The seeds of Radix Glehniae should choose the fresh seeds produced in the same year, and the particles are fuller, bright and purplish blue, and the purity is higher than 95% and the moisture is less than 9%, which can better ensure the germination rate.

2. Seedling raising methods of Radix Glehniae seeds

1. Soil selection and land preparation

North sand ginseng like to grow in sandy soil or sandy soil, pure yellow, red rock soil is not suitable, the land must be turned more than 70 cm deep, and fully break the soil, pick up grass root stone residue, 1500-2000 kg of barnyard manure per mu, fully mixed with the soil as base fertilizer, so North sand ginseng is a fertilizer-tolerant crop, the more fertilizer, the better, fertilizer is generally stable manure, green manure, Kang soil and plant ash and other rich phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer should not be too much.

2. Ploughing and weeding

The weeds in Beisha ginseng field are generally pulled out by hand without hoe weeding, so as not to affect the root growth of ginseng, so as to pull up at least 5 times a year.

3. Management in winter and spring

Beisha ginseng winter sowers move snow to the field after it snows in winter, which is conducive to preserving soil moisture. Ginseng fields are frozen by rain and snow in winter, and after thawing in the following spring, the topsoil is often hardened, so before and after the seedlings are unearthed, gently swing with an iron rake to make the soil firm to facilitate the emergence of seedlings, such as the soil is too wet can not be suppressed.

4. The seedlings are fixed

After the ginseng seedling is unearthed, the small hook can be used to gently cut the land and remove weeds to loosen the topsoil and facilitate the seedling growth. when the ginseng seedling has 2 or 3 true leaves, the seedling should be separated by the triangular seedling method, the plant distance is about 3 cm, the root is thick and loose, the quality is not good, and the growth is poor.

3. The difference between Radix Glehniae and Radix Glehniae

Although Nansha ginseng is two kinds of plant medicinal materials of different families and genera, Radix Glehniae is the root of Umbelliferae plant, and Nansha ginseng is the root of Campanulaceae plant. However, it is generally believed that the functions of the two drugs are similar, but subdivided, Nansha ginseng tends to clear the lung and remove phlegm, while North Radix Glehniae tends to nourish the stomach and nourish fluid.

They come from different sources. "Beishen" is the root of Umbelliferae plant, while "Nanshen" is the root of Campanulaceae plant. "Nansha ginseng", also known as "bubble ginseng", is light and loose. The usage is the same, the difference is not big, all for tonifying yin medicine!

After reading the above, you can also know that it is best to choose fresh seeds with fuller colors and brighter purplish blue seeds, and if you do not know how to raise seedlings, you can also learn some of the methods shared by the editor above. I hope this article can help you all!

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