
2015 China-EU Potato Processing Industry Technology Docking Event Held in Beijing

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Recently, the 2015 China-EU Potato Processing Technology Docking Event was held in Beijing. Experts, entrepreneurs and representatives of management departments from China and Europe actively exchanged new achievements, new technologies and equipment around the development trend, storage and transportation processing technology and equipment of China-EU potato processing.

Recently, the "2015 China-EU Potato processing Technology docking activity" was held in Beijing. Chinese and European experts, entrepreneurs and management representatives revolve around the development trend of China-EU potato processing, storage and transportation technology and equipment. Actively exchange new achievements, new technologies and new technologies, explore new goals, new initiatives and new mechanisms of cooperation, and achieve new consensus, new progress and new results.

The responsible person of the Agricultural products processing Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture introduced a series of work carried out in promoting the development of potato staple food products in recent years.

First, actively strive for financial support. The Agricultural products processing Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture takes the initiative to communicate and coordinate with the financial department to win support. Thanks to various efforts, the central government's subsidy for the initial processing of agricultural products has increased from 600 million yuan last year to 1 billion yuan this year, an increase of 67 percent, mainly for the storage and preservation of potatoes and fruits and vegetables, of which 100 million yuan is earmarked to support the development of potato staple food products.

The second is to promote the establishment of potato staple food processing industry alliance. This year, the preparatory work for the establishment of the National Potato staple Food processing Industry Alliance was launched to guide the industrial and commercial capital of government departments, production enterprises, processing enterprises and equipment enterprises in major potato producing areas, as well as relevant scientific research institutes to join. Explore the market-oriented division of labor, cooperation, exchange, innovation mechanism and reasonable prenatal, mid-production and post-natal resource allocation, benefit distribution mechanism, and strengthen industry self-discipline and self-service. And accumulate experience for the establishment and operation of the national staple food processing industry alliance.

The third is to support the research, development and promotion of potato staple food processing technology. Actively enlist the support of agricultural investment departments, give priority to promoting the construction of integrated R & D platform for potato staple food processing technology, and start the establishment and implementation of relevant projects. Organize the R & D team of the processing Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences to carry out the research and development of potato staple food products, develop more than 10 series and more than 50 kinds of products, such as steamed bread, noodles, compound rice, and so on, and complete the pilot test in 5 staple food processing enterprises. standardized production and listed sales in 2 staple food processing enterprises. Prepare to hold a national docking activity of potato staple food processing science and enterprises, in order to further consolidate the strength in the field of potato staple food development and speed up the solution of technical and equipment problems in the development of the industry.

Fourth, carry out the revision of the relevant standard system. In view of the lag of the relevant standards of potato staple food products in China, it is arranged to be led by the processing Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences to organize the drafting of basic standards such as classification and terminology of potato staple food products, quality and safety control standards, potato proportion testing methods, and so on, in order to further form a consensus and promote standardized production.

Fifth, strengthen propaganda and guidance. Through a variety of thematic activities, the compilation of knowledge manuals, etc., to promote the concept of modern staple food consumption, and enhance consumers' awareness of potato staple food products. In the national staple food processing industry demonstration enterprise identification, staple food processing "old brand" publicity and promotion activities, focus on potato staple food processing enterprises, strengthen publicity and promotion efforts. At the same time, he said that the overall level of potato processing in China is not high, a large number of potato starch and other products still rely on imports, and there is still a large gap between processing technology and equipment compared with the advanced level of foreign countries. there are not many kinds of products, processing utilization is not high, value-added is not large, energy conservation and emission reduction tasks are heavy, and other problems need to be solved urgently. Europe is a big country in potato production and trade in the world, with a high level of specialization, standardization and mechanization, especially in processing, with strong R & D strength, advanced technology, high product conversion rate and strong market competitiveness. it is worth learning and learning from China. It is hoped that the two sides will continue to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the future.

The Agricultural Counsellor of the Dutch Embassy in China said that 2015 is an important year for China's potato processing industry, and will take this docking activity as an opportunity to continuously promote Sino-Dutch potato processing industry cooperation in technology, equipment, comprehensive utilization and other aspects.

It is reported that since 2012, the Agricultural products processing Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture of China has carried out activities to promote the docking of China-EU potato processing technology for three consecutive years, which has played a positive role in promoting technological exchanges and cooperation in China-EU potato processing industry.