
What is a good variety of mango seedlings? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, At present, there are many mango varieties available on the market, such as small mango, imperial concubine mango, big green mango, golden mango and so on. If fruit growers want to plant mango, it is best to choose mango seedlings suitable for local planting. So what kind of mango seedlings should be planted now?

At present, there are many mango varieties available on the market, such as small Taiwan mango, imperial concubine mango, big green mango, golden mango, and so on. If fruit growers want to plant mango, it is best to choose mango seedlings suitable for local planting. So what mango seedling variety is better to plant now?

What is a good variety of mango seedlings?

1. Eagle mouth awn

The appearance of the fruit is beautiful and the skin is light green. Orange-red pulp, little or no fiber, sweet taste, fragrance, high quality, etc. The nucleus is small and polyembryonic. The tree is medium in potential, with a round crown, stout branches and long internodes. The leaves are long, lanceolate, with long tips and purplish red leaves on the primary shoots.

two。 Jin Huangmanang

When the fruit is ripe, the peel is orange. Orange flesh, sweet taste, sweetness 20 is one of the sweetest mango varieties, very few fiber, smooth meat, edible rate of 80.1%, soluble solids 17.3%, acid content 0.10%, vitamin C content 4.69 mg / 100 g pulp, more resistant to storage and transportation.

3. Your concubine Mang

Guifei Mang, also known as Red Golden Dragon, is a kind of fruit produced in Hainan. The variety has strong growth, premature and high yield, the fruit is long and oval, the top of the fruit is small, the shape of the fruit is similar to Luzon awn, and the single fruit weighs 300-500 grams. The immature fruit is purplish red, the background color is dark yellow after maturity, the cover color is bright red, and the peel is gorgeous and attractive. When the harvest is dry and the light is sufficient, the fruit is more resistant to storage and transportation and tastes sweet and fragrant.

4. Narcissus mango

Narcissus mango is rich in nutrition, eating mango has the effects of anti-cancer, beautifying skin, preventing hypertension, arteriosclerosis, preventing constipation and clearing intestines and stomach. Mango is one of the famous tropical fruits, also known as lemon fruit, fruit, muggy fruit, honey hope, wangguo, Ambero fruit and so on. Because of its delicate pulp and unique flavor, mango is deeply loved by people, so it is known as the "king of tropical fruit".

2. Methods of raising mango seedlings

1. Improved variety selection

Generally, varieties that are resistant to storage and transportation, high sugar content, good quality and good commodity are generally selected. varieties can also be selected according to the consumption habits of the local market. The commonly used varieties are Jinhuang Mang, Tainong No.1, Guifei Mang, Kate Mang, Yuwen Mang, Red Ivory Mang and so on. In the completed mango orchard, early-maturing varieties should be matched with late-maturing varieties, with 80% to 85% of the main varieties and 15% of the mixed varieties.

two。 Colonization

Choose no disease and insect pests, high-quality grafted seedlings, good growth condition, seedlings with soil blocks are better. Before planting, each seedling, pit, apply fully mature livestock and poultry manure, 15 kg, and add 1.5 kg of calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer, mix with twice the soil, put into the base, and then backfill with soil, above planted mango young trees, the depth is based on the original seedling line, after the completion of planting, pour enough planting water.

In order to conserve moisture, after infiltration under the water, cover 5-7 cm of fine soil, and then cover it with grass to moisturize. In order to improve the early economic benefit of mango, it should be planted reasonably and densely. About 40 plants per mu can be increased to 80 plants per mu, 60-80 plants per mu. Five years later, the whole garden was thinned out, usually on the sloping land, which was 2.4 times 3.5 plant spacing and row spacing. In flat land, the plant spacing and row spacing are 2.5 × 4 meters, and the plant spacing is about 60 plants per mu. Generally speaking, the planting time should be from August to October, and the planting pit should be dug into the upper mouth 80 cm, the lower mouth 60 cm and the depth 70 cm.

3. Transplant

If transplanting, seedlings without soil blocks, in order to improve the survival rate, you can use one gram of ABT rooting powder, dissolved with pure alcohol, mixed with 10 kg of water, diluted, and then soaked in mango seedlings for three to ten hours. The survival rate of mango seedlings soaked in abt root powder can be significantly improved. After planting survived, foliar spraying of 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate + brassinolide + thiazine, foliar spraying to promote growth and control aphids. In the early stage of fruit, topdressing was mainly based on slow-release fertilizer with high nitrogen, high phosphorus and low potassium, or compound fertilizer. Mango in the seedling stage, the control of the harm of drill beetle. Bacillus thuringiensis can be selected for prevention and treatment.

To sum up, it's all about mango seedlings. You can see which mango seedlings are the ones you want to plant.

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