
What are the main varieties of peach red seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Many flower lovers probably like small peach red, it is a plum blossom variety, because its leaves are like elm, flowers like plum, so it is called "elm leaf plum", this kind of flower is very gorgeous, loved by many people, and planted by many people. The master of the little peach seed

Many flower lovers probably like small peach red, it is a plum blossom variety, because its leaves are like elm, flowers like plum, so it is called "elm leaf plum", this kind of flower is very gorgeous, loved by many people, and planted by many people. What are the main varieties of peach red seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings? Friends who want to know, please read the following!

I. the main varieties of small peach red seeds

1. Distinguish elm, leaf and plum

Pink or pink-white flowers, single argument; small flowers, calyx, petals are 5, similar to wild elm leaf plum, branchlets are reddish brown.

2. Re-distinguish Changyemei

Red-brown flowers, large, double, many and dense flowers, more than 10 calyx, calyx and pedicels with red halo. Double elm leaf plum, branch bark dehiscent. Because of its large flowers, it is also known as "big flower elm leaf plum". It is a variety with high ornamental value, but its flowering time is later than that of other varieties.

3. Semidouble bayberry

Pink flowers, semidouble, flower bodhisattva and flower identification are more than 10 pieces. The twigs of the plant are reddish brown and are widely cultivated in gardens and courtyards.

4. Elm leaf plum with curved branches

The flower is small, dense on the branch, the flower color is rose purple, semidouble or double, flower Bodhisattva 10, of which 5 are triangular and 5 are lanceolate. The branchlets of the plant were purplish red and smooth, the flowering time was earlier than that of other varieties, and the flowering period was about 10 days.

5. Cut elm leaves and plum leaves

Pink flowers. The characteristic of truncated elm leaf plum is that the front end of the leaf is broad truncated, approximately triangular, and has strong cold tolerance, which is commonly cultivated in Northeast China.

2. Seedling raising methods of small peach red seeds

1 arrangement of nursery land

The nursery land should be deeply ploughed and leveled before sowing, and the suitable ploughing depth is usually 30-35cm. In order to increase soil fertility and eliminate harmful pathogens and underground pests in the soil, 5% phoxim granules or solution and base fertilizer can be combined with ploughing. Generally, every 1000kg fertilizer can be mixed with 0.25kg, or ferrous sulfate can be crushed and sprinkled directly in the soil. Use about 150kg per hectare, and then rake the nursery to make beds for sowing.

2 sowing method

The seeds of Prunus mandshurica generally mature in the middle of August, and can be harvested when the pericarp is orange-yellow or red-yellow, then the harvested fruit will be cold-dried, screened and stored in a sack or in a transparent container and stored in a cool, dry and ventilated place. There are two kinds of sowing and reproduction of elm leaf plum: autumn sowing and spring sowing.

3. Field management

The seeds of Prunus mandshurica generally begin to emerge in mid-late May and late May, and spring sowing begins from late May to early June. When the seedlings are basically complete, remove the cover of the seedbed immediately, clean up the litter on the bed surface, proceed to weed and loosen the soil for the first time, and strengthen the management of watering and topdressing in time, usually watering once every 15 minutes and applying chemical fertilizer once or twice a month. When the seedlings enter the peak growth period, farm manure is applied once, and the amount of chemical fertilizer 45-60kg and farm manure 2500-15000kg are applied per hectare. When the seedling height reaches 20cm-25cm, the seedlings can be carried out properly, so that the seedlings are most vulnerable to red spiders, aphids and beetles during the seedling growth period. At this time, the corresponding control measures should be determined according to the occurrence of diseases and insect pests in the nursery. The specific method is to spray 1000 mi 1200 times trithiophos solution to control red bee spiders and aphids, and apply 5% phoxim to control underground beetles, golden needle insects and other pests in the nursery.

Friends who have seen Xiao Taohong may also know its beauty, which makes people can't help but want to stay and appreciate it. There are still many varieties of it. Above, the editor mainly shared with you five main varieties, each of which has its own characteristics. Which one do you prefer? Friends who do not know how to raise seedlings can also learn the methods of this article!

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