
How to select the seeds of Xanthoceras sorbifolia? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Xanthoceras sorbifolia is a unique woody oil tree in China, which has the reputation of "Oriental Divine Tree" and "Oriental Bodhi". It has come to the fore in the seedling market with its colorful scenery, special efficacy and rich products. And it is such a tree species covered with treasures all over its cultivation.

Xanthoceras sorbifolia is a unique woody oil tree in China, which has the reputation of "Oriental Divine Tree" and "Oriental Bodhi". It has come to the fore in the seedling market with its colorful scenery, special efficacy and rich products. And is such a tree species covered with treasures, its cultivation is also very simple, economic benefits and planting prospects are very outstanding. So how to select the seeds of Xanthoceras sorbifolia? What are the methods of raising seedlings? Let's get to know it.

How to select the seeds of Xanthoceras sorbifolia?

1. Look at the dry humidity of the seeds: dry seeds and full kernels are good seeds. Try not to buy wet seeds when buying, because immature seeds are full when they are wet. Once the seeds are dried and dissatisfied with drying, the germination rate is very low.

2. See whether the color of the dry seed kernel is pure white: pure white is a good seed. If the color is yellow and not full, it means that the fruit is not ripe and green too early. If the seed is full but not white, it means that the fruit is wet and hot for a long time and deteriorated by heat.

3. Look at the seed appearance color: the seed color is light gray, and the seed color is pure black, and most of them are inferior seeds.

What are the methods of raising seedlings?

1. Seed collection

The plants with strong tree potential, high yield and high seed oil content were selected as the seed mother tree. In July and August, when the pericarp changes from green to yellowish brown and the seeds from reddish brown to black, it can be harvested.

2. Soaking seeds

40 days before spring sowing, soak the seeds in warm water with an initial temperature of about 45 ℃ for 3 days, change water once a day, remove them into the basket, cover them with wet grass curtains, put them in a warm chamber of 20-25 ℃, sow seeds when the 2/3 split mouth is white, or select the split mouth seeds one after another, and sow them in stages.

3. Raising seedlings

Choose sandy loam soil with flat terrain, deep and fertile soil and convenient drainage and irrigation to raise seedlings. One year before raising seedlings, the nursery was turned 25 cm deep in autumn, turned shallowly in early spring, crushed soil and raked flat to make a high bed, and then disinfected the soil, applying 32500-45000 kg of farm fertilizer per hectare. When sowing, it is best to sow in the ditch, put a seed every 6mur7cm, and put the navel flat to facilitate germination and unearthed. Seeding rate: 225Mel 300kg per hectare: cover the bed with grass after sowing, keep the soil moist, 20 Mel 30 days after emergence, and then uncover the grass in stages.

4. Seedling stage management

During the period of seedling growth, it is necessary to loosen the soil, weed, topdressing, irrigate, interseedling, fix seedlings, and carry out pest control. After fixing the seedlings, keep the distance between seedlings 9-12 cm, the height of 1-year-old seedlings can reach 40-60 cm, and produce 22.5-300000 seedlings per hectare. 1-2-year-old seedlings can be afforestation out of the nursery.

5. Sowing and raising seedlings

The seedlings should be shaded a little and be protected from lodging in the rainy season. The annual seedlings are 30 cm to 50 cm high. It should be adapted to fertilization and irrigation during the tending period, but it is necessary to prevent excessive soil moisture from causing rotten roots. 2-3-year-old seedlings should be pruned to form a good tree shape, and 4-5-year-old seedlings can be planted in the nursery. The ability of root callus is poor, and it is easy to cause rotten root after injury, which affects the survival. Full attention should be paid to the protection of root system in order to improve the survival rate.

Xanthoceras sorbifolia has developed main root and strong root tillering ability. it generally begins to bear fruit 2-3 years after planting, and the fruiting period can reach hundreds of years. Xanthoceras sorbifolia has strong environmental adaptability and can survive and grow in different attitudes in different environments. In order to further improve its fruiting yield and economic benefits, it is very important for conservation and other personnel to master certain seedling cultivation techniques.

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