
Do the big article of accurate poverty alleviation

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Under the new normal, the importance of poverty alleviation and development lies in precision and precision, and success or failure depends on precision. At present, the poverty alleviation and development work in our city has entered a sprint period of attacking the city and pulling out the stockade and winning the decisive battle. Whether we can accurately help the poor and get rid of poverty accurately depends on whether we can gnaw down the hard bones and win the battle within a limited time.

"Under the new normal, poverty alleviation and development are valued in precision and precision, and success or failure depends on refinement." At present, our city's poverty alleviation and development work has entered the sprint period of attacking cities and villages and winning decisive battles. Whether we can accurately help the poor and get rid of poverty is the key to deciding whether we can nibble off the "hard bones", win the battle of poverty alleviation within a time limit and build a well-off society in an all-round way.

This also means that in the past, the poverty alleviation work methods of "flood irrigation" and "grenade explosion flea" must be effectively changed and reversed. Accurate poverty alleviation requires starting from reality, on the basis of solving common problems, aiming at poor households, finding the "poor root", and taking more powerful measures and effective actions to help poverty alleviation work to the point and root.

Compared with the requirements of "poverty alleviation precision" and combined with the actual poverty alleviation work in Yidu, the municipal party committee and municipal government stressed the need to adhere to precise poverty alleviation and poverty alleviation, and proposed accurate identification, fine management, precise policy and careful assessment in the work, so as to effectively improve the pertinence and effectiveness of poverty alleviation work with precision. Among them, accurate identification is the premise of precise poverty alleviation, fine management is the key to precise poverty alleviation, precise policy is the focus of precise poverty alleviation, and careful assessment is an important guarantee for the implementation of precise poverty alleviation.

At present, there are 8393 poor households with 24047 filing cards in the city, involving 120 villages, with 9.4% of the poor population. In order to earnestly implement the general requirement of "precise poverty alleviation and no one falls behind", we will resolutely win the battle against poverty and ensure that the city will take the lead in poverty alleviation and take the lead in building a well-off society in an all-round way. The municipal party committee and municipal government have set up a special working group for precision poverty alleviation and a resident working group in 123 villages in the city to carry out the verification work of poor households filing cards in the whole city, so as to truly implement the poverty alleviation work from household to person.

To help the poor accurately, we must first find the right target for poverty alleviation. Only by knowing the poverty situation of each village and household can we work well. Large and transformed, unclear situation, unclear base, inaccurate figures, how to accurately identify the object, accurately find the poor root? And how to achieve clear targeting, local conditions, the right medicine? Only by doing enough homework on accurate identification and making great efforts to help the poor accurately can we achieve "one key to open a lock" and avoid falling into the misunderstanding of eyebrows and beards grasping and seeking medical treatment in an emergency.

In order to achieve fine management, it is necessary to improve the pertinence, flexibility and effectiveness of the management of poverty alleviation funds and poverty alleviation projects, from the government's "catering" to the "ordering" of people in difficulty, and to realize "private customization". According to the actual needs and objective demands of the people in difficulty, we should solve them point-to-point, accurately to each poor household or specific poverty problem, so that good steel can be used on the cutting edge to avoid the waste of poverty alleviation resources due to management and allocation deviation.

Only by solving problems in a targeted way can we achieve precise policies. According to the new situation, new tasks and new requirements, focusing on the nine key aspects of poverty alleviation, we will focus on guiding the rational and orderly transfer of the population in poverty-stricken areas to cities through the coordinated development of the five functional areas, promoting the employment of the poor through the development of characteristic industries and strengthening employment training, striving to promote the relocation of ecological poverty alleviation in high mountains, vigorously developing characteristic benefit agriculture, adopting a batch of medical assistance support,"covering the bottom" through the subsistence allowance system, and returning farmland to forests according to local conditions. Accelerate the development of agricultural leisure tourism real estate, effectively solve nine things such as the employment of college graduates from poor families and vocational school graduates, and ensure that everything has specific measures, supporting policies, landing methods and practical results. Only in this way can the living and production conditions of the needy people be improved, the channels for increasing income be widened, stable employment be realized, and survival be effectively guaranteed. Only ideas have no way, only statements have no practice, policies and measures are difficult to implement, actions are not pragmatic enough, work is difficult to see practical results, policy targeting is unclear, and precise poverty alleviation cannot be discussed.

To implement the task and complete the goal, it is also inseparable from the guarantee of careful assessment incentive mechanism. Only by clarifying the task objectives and establishing an assessment mechanism and differentiated assessment methods oriented to precise poverty alleviation can leading cadres have a state and do well in the precise poverty alleviation work, better mobilize the initiative of poverty alleviation and enhance the effectiveness of poverty alleviation. The main objectives of poverty alleviation and development in 2015 are: To solve the poverty alleviation problem of 2500 poor people, start the whole village of poverty-stricken villages to promote 9 villages (including 2 poverty-stricken villages in the old areas), firmly promote the poverty alleviation and development work in 10 key poverty-stricken villages, support more than 20 poor households to ensure housing construction, complete 70 ecological immigrants, train and transfer 100 people under the "rain dew plan", carry out practical technical training for 2500 person-times, and strive to increase the per capita net income of farmers in poverty-stricken areas higher than the average level of the whole city.

It is necessary to clarify the responsibilities and disciplines of precise poverty alleviation. All departments at all levels should firmly grasp the precise poverty alleviation work in their hands, always shoulder the responsibility of precise poverty alleviation, implement the goal and task of precise poverty alleviation into action, ensure "precise poverty alleviation, no one falls behind", and ensure the decisive victory of poverty alleviation.

Poverty alleviation is not only a matter of people's livelihood, but also a popular project. The key to whether the "military writ" can be completed lies in whether the "hard bones" of building a well-off society in an all-round way can be nibbled off. Whether this battle of poverty alleviation can be won within a time limit and won depends on precision, precision and success. Only by adhering to precise poverty alleviation and poverty alleviation and making full efforts on the word "precision" can the needy people take off the poverty "hat" and really live a good life.