
What are the varieties of white wax seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, White wax, also known as green hammer wood, white bauhinia, is an excellent street tree, urban greening and ecological timber forest species, which has been widely planted in our country. In addition, there are many kinds of white wax, most of which are resistant to light saline-alkaline soil, and all of them can be used by seeds, cuttings, burying strips and so on.

Fraxinus chinensis, also known as Qinglang wood and white wattle, is an excellent street tree, urban greening and ecological timber tree species, which has been widely planted in China. In addition, white ash species are also many, most of the tolerance of light salt alkaline soil, and can be used seeds, cuttings, buried strips and other methods of reproduction. So what problems should we pay attention to when raising white wax seeds? What kinds of white wax seeds are there? Let's get to know each other.

What kinds of white wax seeds are there?

1. Golden Leaf White Ash

Fraxinus aurantifolia L. is a new variety of deciduous tree with color leaves in China. Its leaves are golden in spring, summer and autumn.

2. Big leaf white ash

A deciduous tree of the genus Fraxinus, 8-15 m tall. Leaves opposite, odd-pinnate, leaflets 3 - 7, mostly 5; apical central leaflet extra large, base cuneate or broadly cuneate, apex sharp or obtuse, margin shallow and coarsely obtuse serrate.

3. Fraxinus microphylla

Fraxinus microphylla is a deciduous small tree or shrub, 2-5 m tall. Pinnate compound leaves, leaflets 5-7, stiff papery, 2-5 cm long, 1.5-3 cm wide, terminal leaflet several as large as lateral leaflets, apex caudate, base broadly cuneate, leaf margin deeply serrate to lacerate.

4. White Ash

White ash, also known as hair white ash, is a deciduous tree, 10-20 meters high. Leaves pinnate, base broadly cuneate, leaf margin obtusely serrate or subentire, yellow-green above, glabrous, pale green below.

5. White wax

Fraxinus chinensis, also known as Hubei Fraxinus chinensis, Hubei Fraxinus chinensis, is a deciduous tree, up to 19 meters. Leaves pinnately compound, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, 1.7-5 cm long, 0.6-1.8 cm wide, apex acuminate, base cuneate, leaf margin sharply serrate.

What are the breeding methods?

It mainly includes two methods of seeding seedling and cuttage seedling:

1, sowing seedlings: spring sowing should be early, generally in late February to early March sowing. Furrowing and drilling, 3~ 4 kg seed per 667m2, 4 cm depth, uniform depth, should be ditched, seeded, covered with soil, 2~ 3 cm thick. In order to make the soil seeds close together, the soil is covered and then suppressed.

2, cuttage seedlings: generally in the spring from late March to early April. 1-year-old budding branches are selected from healthy young mother trees which grow rapidly and have no diseases and insect pests. Generally, the thickness of the branches is more than 1 cm, the length is 15~20cm, the upper incision is flat cut, and the lower incision is horse ear shaped. Insert 2 - 3 cuttings in each hole to disperse the cuttings. Spring planting should be buried deeply, smashed solid, less outcrop, 4000 plants per 667m2.

The above is an introduction to the varieties and seedling methods of white wax seeds. You can reasonably select seed varieties for sowing according to local planting conditions. Then pay attention to the seedling method, so that it grows strong seedlings, and finally improve the planting yield.

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