
Where can I sell star anise gold plate seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Star anise gold plate is a kind of evergreen tree species, its leaves show palm-shaped a total of eight horns, so it has its name. Star anise is native to the gardens of southern Japan, North China, East China and Kunming, Yunnan. It has high medicinal value and has certain medicinal value.

Star anise gold plate is a kind of evergreen tree species, its leaves show palm-shaped a total of eight horns, so it has its name. Star anise gold plate originated in southern Japan, North China, East China and Kunming, Yunnan, has a high medicinal value, as well as a certain ornamental value and ecological value, so many people will specialize in planting star anise gold plate, so where can its seeds be sold? What are the methods of raising seedlings? Friends who want to know, please take a look at the following!

Where can I sell the seeds of star anise gold plate?

Star anise gold plate seed is rarely used in our daily life, and it is not very common. It is mainly in North and East China and Kunming, Yunnan. Generally, it is purchased by professional growers or those who like to grow indoors. Their way of purchase is also from their long-term cooperation suppliers. But to buy star anise gold plate seeds is not very difficult, the most direct can go to some online shopping platform to buy, or Taobao can. You can also buy it from our Nongxun Network.

Second, the method of raising seedlings of star anise gold plate seeds.

1. Sowing and raising seedlings

Its fruit ripens the following year, blossoms from October to November every year, and the fruit matures in April of the following year. The mature seeds of star anise can be sown as they are picked, and the budding rate is very high. The seeds can also be dried in the shade and sown in autumn. These two seasons are suitable for seed sowing and propagation of star anise. The sowing method of star anise gold plate seeds is also very simple, as long as the soil environment is loose and permeable, and moist, star anise gold plate seeds can germinate in about half a month.

2. Cuttage seedling

Cutting is the most complicated and technically demanding of the three ways of propagation, generally nursery seedlings use this method, every year in April and May and after October is the best season for cutting star anise gold plate. Select two-year-old octagonal gold plate woody branches, cut into small segments to retain two to three bud points, and then cuttage, it is best to dip in disinfectant and rooting solution when cutting, so as to avoid rotting roots and improve the survival rate. Generally, it can take root in about a month, and transplant in four to five months.

3. Raising seedlings in separate plants

The tillering of star anise gold plate is very strong, and a star anise gold plate can grow into a clump a year. The way of dividing plants is the simplest way to propagate star anise gold plate, and the operation is very simple. We only need to dig up the whole star anise gold plate. Then carefully separate them from one tree to another, and cut them apart with sharp blades or scissors in the middle, and then plant them separately. The most suitable time for ramet is before sprouting in spring or after defoliation in autumn.

Third, the ecological value of star anise gold plate

1. Purify the gas

It can absorb carbon dioxide and other gases in the air and purify the air. In the houses where modern people live, many people often close their doors and windows, seldom ventilate the air at home and outside, and discharge the air exhaled by the human body from the home and so on. And when these gases accumulate to a certain amount indoors, the indoor air will become more and more muddy. And now the air quality in the city is getting worse and worse, if you plant star anise gold plate at home, you will be able to absorb some of the carbon dioxide and other gases exhaled by the human body, purify the air and make the host's life more comfortable.

2. Afforest indoor environment

Star anise gold plate is evergreen all the year round, is a good interior decoration plant, high ornamental value, the flowers are also very elegant. It is a very good choice to cultivate a star anise plate indoors to green the indoor environment. In the aspect of breeding, the owner does not need to spend a lot of effort to keep it in the courtyard, the door, the window, the corner of the wall and the shade of the building, and the owner can appreciate its green appearance at any time.

Well, that's all the editor wants to share with you today. We all know that star anise gold plate seeds are actually relatively rare in life, but if you want to buy seeds, it is more appropriate to buy them online. Star anise gold plate usually has the above three breeding methods, we can choose one depending on the situation, in addition, it has a certain ecological value, if you want to plant, you can take action.

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