
Where can I sell butterfly bean seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Butterfly bean is a leguminous plant rich in protein, which originated from Southeast Asian countries around the equator. And the blooming butterfly bean flower can be used as a natural food pigment dye. Based on the efficacy of butterfly bean and butterfly bean flower, it is now planted in many areas, so if you want to plant it.

Butterfly bean is a leguminous plant rich in protein, which originated from Southeast Asian countries around the equator. And the blooming butterfly bean flower can be used as a natural food pigment dye. Based on the efficacy of butterfly bean and butterfly bean flower, it is now grown in many areas, so where can I sell butterfly bean seeds if you want to plant them? What are the methods of raising seedlings? Let's learn about it.

Where can I sell butterfly bean seeds?

There are many ways to buy butterfly bean seeds, you can buy them at local seed shops and agricultural aid stores, and you can also buy them online. If you buy online, you should choose businesses with good reputation and high reputation, so that the quality and after-sale of seeds are more guaranteed. Only by buying high-quality seeds can you improve the germination rate.

What are the breeding methods of butterfly beans?

1. Sowing time

The sowing date should be determined according to the planting time, which is generally 30 days ahead of the fixed planting date. Butterfly beans are generally sown and raised seedlings from February to March in spring. The specific method is to sow the budding seeds into the hole plate, the root system is facing down, the thickness of the covered soil is about 1 cm, and water is thoroughly watered. The temperature in spring is relatively low, so the temperature should be kept above 20 ℃. Watering follows the principle of dry and wet, that is, the topsoil is dry and then watered, not dry.

2. Weeding and vine introduction

The temperature is repeated in spring, which is greatly affected, so weeds should be removed in time to promote the rapid growth of seedlings. The first weeding was done 7 days after planting, and then every 10 days. Small vines and old leaves below 50 cm should be knocked out in time to prevent the lower part of the plant from being obscured and affecting its growth. Introduction of vines should be evenly distributed, not too dense or too sparse, to prevent heart injury. When the seedlings grow to 20-30 cm high, they should be coring 1-2 times to facilitate the extension and spread of branches and leaves.

3. Fertilizer and water management

Butterfly bean is a fast-growing vine flower, which should be fertilized 2-3 times a month, using mature organic fertilizer such as peanut bran or urea plus potassium dihydrogen phosphate, or solid compound fertilizer. Water in time after topdressing. Watering should be done once a week during the management period. Other times according to the soil water content timely watering.

4. Disease and pest control

Butterfly beans have fewer diseases, mainly insect pests, including aphids and red spiders. Aphids can be sprayed with 1500 times of imidacloprid or 1500 times of acetamiprid. Red spiders can be sprayed with 1000 times of propargite for 1-2 times. Do not use highly toxic, highly toxic and other potent pesticides.

5. Timely picking

The pods of butterfly beans should be picked at the right time according to the actual use. If used for food, when the tender pod grows to 6-8 cm, it should be picked in time to prevent aging, because mature seeds and roots are poisonous and inedible, and some young leaves or shoots can be picked for consumption. If you want to leave seeds for cultivation in the following year, you should pay attention to harvesting mature pods.

Butterfly beans have a wide range of uses, can be used as hay and feed, and the roots can be used as medicine, butterfly beans can also be used as green manure, and they can also be used as vines and ornamental flowers. at present, they are planted in many areas, and if you like, you can also plant them yourself. potted plants are fine.

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