
What are the varieties of Spiraea seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Spiraea is a genus of Rosaceae, Spiraea plant, is an excellent ornamental shrub, its flowers are small and lovely, beautiful plant, has a high ornamental value. In addition, the varieties and colors of Spiraea are also extremely rich, and the florescence varies from early spring to summer and autumn.

Spiraea belongs to Rosaceae and Spiraea plants. It is an excellent flowering shrub with small and lovely flowers, beautiful plant body and high ornamental value. In addition, the variety and color of Spiraea is also extremely rich, the florescence varies from early spring to summer and autumn, and it is widely used and cultivated in landscaping. So what are the varieties of Spiraea seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings? Let's get to know it.

What are the varieties of Spiraea seeds?

1. Japanese Spiraea: native to China, the leaves are oval-lanceolate to broadly lanceolate, with red flowers.

2. North China Spiraea: distributed in Henan, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, Shandong and other places.

3. Spiraea willow: widely distributed and cultivated in all parts of North China.

4. Chinese Spiraea: distributed in Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Henan, Shaanxi, Hubei, Hunan, Anhui and other places.

5. Pearl Spiraea: native to East China, cultivated in Shaanxi, Liaoning and other provinces.

6. Spiraea: originated in the United States, Beijing Botanical Garden was introduced from Belle nursery in Minnesota in April 1990.

7. Spiraea trifida: born in rocky sunny slopes or bushes, 450-2400 m above sea level. It is also distributed in Siberia in the Soviet Union. It can be cultivated for viewing.

What are the methods of raising seedlings?

1. Sowing and raising seedlings

Usually sow seeds from March to April in spring, strip sowing or sowing in bed, with a row spacing of 15 cm, a sowing area of 5 mi 6 cm, a trench depth of about 1.0 cm, and a thin cover of soil so as not to reveal the strength of the seeds. Strengthen the management at the seedling stage, weed in time and interplant seedlings. When the seedling height is 3 Mel 4 cm, the quick-acting chemical fertilizer (ammonium sulfate) is applied to 1 kg per mu.

2. Separate plant propagation and seedling raising.

Ramet propagation and seedling breeding is simple and easy, but the number is relatively small. We should prepare for ramet in the first year, apply more fertilizer in early spring to promote the percentage, cultivate soil in summer combined with weeding, and ramet in spring in the second year. Generally, the 3-4-year-old plant is used as the mother plant.

3. Cuttage propagation

In June, select semi-lignified branches, leave 3 leaves at the top, insert 5-6 cm into the sand bed, fully water, build a shed for shade, and keep moist. It can take root in about 1 month. It was transplanted and cultivated in autumn or in the spring of the second year.

Note: different varieties of Spiraea have different seedling raising methods, which depends on the planting environment and cultivation methods.

Generally speaking, the varieties of Spiraea are widely classified, most of them have the advantages of strong nature, cold tolerance, drought tolerance, simple reproduction and so on, and the flowers are beautiful and suitable for cultivation and ornamental. I wonder what kind of Spiraea do you like? Welcome to leave a message for discussion.

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