
Distribution and variety of grapefruit in China

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Grapefruit is one of the common fruits, rich in nutrients. Compared to other fruits, it belongs to citrus, rich in vitamin c, but also a lot of fiber content, easy to produce satiety. However, its calories are very low, comparable to watermelon. Chinese pomelo

Grapefruit, is one of the common fruits, rich in nutrition. Compared with other fruits, it belongs to citrus, rich in vitamin c and a lot of fiber, making it easy to feel full. However, its calories are very low, comparable to watermelons. The planting history of grapefruit in our country is very long, and there are many varieties. The following editor will introduce the national grapefruit producing area distribution and variety Daquan.

I. Distribution of producing areas of pomelo in China

The cultivation of grapefruit trees in China has a long history, as early as the Zhou and Qin dynasties in BC. China's Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Zhejiang, Sichuan and other places are cultivated. Guanxi honey pomelo in Pinghe County, Fujian Province is the most famous. At present, in addition to planting in China, it is cultivated in many countries and regions in Southeast Asia, and the United States, Cuba, South Africa, Brazil, Argentina and Japan are also the main producing areas of grapefruit. therefore。 Grapefruit can be regarded as one of the most popular fruits in the world.

II. Daquan of grapefruit varieties

1. Guangxi Shatian pomelo

Shatian pomelo is called Shatian pomelo because it was first planted in Shatian Village, Rong County, Guangxi. Shatian pomelo, formerly known as Yang Nuclei, originated in Rong County, Guangxi. Shatian pomelo can be divided into sour pomelo and sweet pomelo according to pulp flavor, white meat pomelo and red meat pomelo by flesh color, and spherical pomelo or pear-shaped pomelo by fruit shape.

2. Guanxi honey pomelo

Guanxi honey pomelo is a specialty of Pinghe County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, which is protected by geographical indications. During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, Guanxi honey pomelo was listed as a tribute to the imperial court. Guanxi honey pomelo pericarp is orange and yellow in color, rich in fragrance, large and thin, seedless flesh, white as jade, juicy and soft, no residue, sweet and sour, and extremely yong Jun, which can be called the crown of pomelo. Guanxi honey pomelo is a famous local traditional fruit in Pinghe County, Fujian Province, with a cultivation history of more than 500 years.

Guanxi honey pomelo fruit is large, 1500 Mel 2000 grams, long ovate or pear-shaped; the face of the fruit is yellowish, the skin is thin, the pulp is soft, juicy and dregs, moderate sweet and sour, few or no seeds.

3. Yuhuan Wendan pomelo

Yuhuan Wendan belongs to Rutaceae and citrus, which is one of the excellent varieties of grapefruit in Zhejiang Province. The fruit is high oblate and oblate, the pericarp is yellow to clear yellow, smooth, the oil cell is fine, fragrant, the flesh is yellow or honey yellow. It is mainly distributed in the coastal land and foothills of Chumen, Yucheng, Lupu, Chenyu and other places in Yuhuan County.

4. Anjiang pomelo

Fragrant pomelo, also known as Gong pomelo, belongs to the local characteristic fruits of Hunan Province. The history of Anjiang pomelo has been more than a thousand years since it was recorded in writing. Benefit from the local unique sandy soil and warm and humid climate, set pure natural organic fertilizer tube, unique taste. Its flesh is fat, white, with 12 to 15 valves, less juicy residue, sweet and refreshing, containing a lot of sugars, protein, fat, vitamin an and calcium, phosphorus, iron and other elements.

5. Sichuan Tongxian pomelo

Although Sichuan Tongxian pomelo is slightly inferior in popularity, it is an excellent variety with a history of more than a hundred years, which is very rare, so the price will be a little more expensive. Due to Sichuan's unique geographical location and climatic conditions, Sichuan Tongxian pomelo meat crisp and tender dregs, sweet and sour moderate slightly sour, taste can be said to be loved by many people. In addition, compared with other grapefruit with fewer or no seeds, the eating rate is very high, and it is more durable to store.

6. Hubei Gongshui white pomelo

Xuanen County, Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hubei Province has always been known as "the hometown of Chinese white pomelo". It is precisely because Xuanen County has no hot summer, no severe cold in winter and warm climate all the year round, which gives the white pomelo a thick growth environment. Compared with other grapefruit, Gongshui white pomelo fruit is large and beautiful, sweet and sour moderately, the pulp is crisp and tender, and Gongshui white pomelo is easier to grow and manage, and the yield will be higher.

The above is the introduction of the national grapefruit producing area distribution and varieties. There are many varieties of grapefruit in China. I believe there is no complete standard to say where the grapefruit is the most delicious, because everyone's taste is also very different.

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