
Where is litchi a specialty? What are the varieties of litchi?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Litchi is a kind of fruit that many people like to eat. When ripe, the peel is bright red. Peeling off the peel, you can see its white and juicy pulp. Litchi is cultivated in many areas of our country. Next, let's talk about the specialty of litchi and the more famous varieties of litchi.

Litchi is a kind of fruit that many people like to eat. When ripe, the peel is bright red. Peeling off the peel, you can see its white and juicy pulp. Litchi is cultivated in many areas of our country. The following details about where the specialty of litchi and the more famous varieties of litchi.

Where is litchi a specialty?

Litchi is mainly distributed in the south, southwest and southeast of China, and the provinces are mainly in Hainan, Sichuan, Guangxi, Guangdong, Taiwan, Xiamen, Zhangzhou and Quanzhou in the south of Fujian.

2. What are the varieties of litchi?

1. Huaizhi

Huaizhi is also known as Miye, Phoenix, Gufeng, Huaizhi (rumor has it that in ancient times, Shang Shu passed through Lingnan and put the litchi sent by the villagers into his arms, hence the name) and Sophora japonica. Guangdong has the most widely cultivated and most productive varieties. Suitable for both fresh and dried food. Fruit spherical or suborbicular, flat; shell thick and tough, crimson, lobes large, slightly raised or nearly flat, irregular arrangement, occasional spikes near the pedicel, dense and few; meat milky white, soft, juicy, sweet and sour, large and long nucleus, occasionally small nucleus. Mature in the first ten days of July.

two。 Glutinous rice curd

Glutinous rice curd, also known as rice twig, is the most valuable variety in Guangdong. It is a famous Guangdong specialty fruit. It mainly produces Luogang District on the outskirts of Guangzhou and Xintang Town of Zengcheng City, followed by Conghua, Dongfan and other counties. The fruit is heart-shaped, nearly round, and the stalk is skewed as its variety characteristics; the initial listing is yellow, bright red; the lobes are large and narrow, longitudinally arranged, sparse, slightly convex, and the suture lines are wide and obvious; the top of the fruit is plump, the pedicel is slightly concave; the flesh is thick, small, pottery yellow and white translucent, containing 20% soluble solids, extremely sweet, fragrant, waxy and tender and smooth, and good quality. It is the favorite variety for consumers. It is most suitable for fresh food and drying. Mature in the first ten days of July. There are two strains of red-skinned big waxy and white-skinned small waxy.

3. The concubine smiled.

Feizixiao is characterized by green and red skin, large flesh color like white wax, crisp and sweet, and a small core.

4. March red

It is named March Red because it matures in the late March of the lunar calendar. It belongs to the earliest mature species. Mainly produces Xinhui in Guangdong, Zhongshan, Zengcheng, Lingshan in Guangxi and other counties. Fruit flow heart dirty shape, upper and lower sharp; tortoise lobes of different size, irregular arrangement, suture line is not obvious; skin thick, light red; flesh yellow and white, micro-tough, rough tissue, large nucleus, sweet and sour taste, residue after eating. Due to the early listing, it is still popular with consumers.

5. Round branch

The round branch is also known as Shuidong or Shuidong black leaves. Distributed in the suburbs of Guangzhou and counties in the Pearl River Delta. It gets its name because it is suitable for water planting and the leaf tip is long, similar to the black leaf. The fruit is short oval, or crooked heart-shaped, the shoulder edge of the fruit is high and low; the tortoise lobes are slightly flat and wide, should be dark red, the pulp is soft and juicy, sweet and sour, slightly fragrant. Mature in late May or early June.

6. Black leaf

The fruit is short oval, the top of the fruit is round or obtuse, the fruit is flat; the skin is dark red, the shell is thin, the lobes are flat and obtuse, the size is uniform, the arrangement is regular, the cracks and sutures are obvious; the meat is solid and crisp, sweet and juicy, most of them are large nuclei. Mature in mid-June. It is more resistant to storage.

To sum up, there are some introductions about the producing areas and varieties of litchi. Do you have any varieties that you prefer to eat? China is very rich in litchi varieties, the above only provides a few common and famous varieties for your reference.

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